As requested by the ARSCC(wdne) Stats I/C, the goddess-like Cerridwen, I have counted the names of distinct individuals in the past two years of completions.
As before, there are many cases in which one person has completed several services. In most cases, these are clearly the same person ("Craig Jensen"
exactly matches "Craig Jensen"). However, there are also probable duplicate names ("Francois Creapeau" and "Francois Crepeau").
This time, I counted probable duplicate names in each issue, as well as in each year. I was surprised to see how many probable duplicates there were in most issues. I haven't checked my originals to see whether these are errors introduced in converting the printed listings to text, or whether they accurately reflect the printed listings. If it's the latter, then there are an awful lot of misspellings and typos at the mecca of technical perfection.
The "adjusted" column shows how many individuals there are if I omit probable duplicate names.
To summarize: fewer than 4400 individuals accounted for the nearly 9000
completions listed in Source during the past two years ... and it may be
as few as 3600 individuals.
Submitted for your approval,
issue completions individuals adjusted Source 133 699 533 503 Source 134 165 142 141 Source 135 1537 1077 1000 Source 136 1369 939 890 Source 137 740 605 589 Source 138 1683 1208 1120 Source 139 1680 1089 999 Source 140 1078 725 691
year completions individuals adjusted 2001 3770 2184 1946 2002 5181 2788 2410
Totals, 2001-2002completions individuals adjusted 8951 4346 3595
ARSCC(wdne) Stats Wrangler
-- Kristi Wachter the activist formerly known as "Jour" (before $cientology outed me)
If I am not who you say I am, then you are not who you think you are.
- James Baldwin
I think $cientology is hurting people and breaking the law, and I want them to stop it. See for more.
From: Jeff Jacobsen <>
Subject: can we extrapolate worldwide figures from the 4400?
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 09:06:37 -0700
Message-ID: <>
Since every Scientologist who continues Up the Bridge has to wind up at Flag, the 4400 number that Kristi and Cerridwen came up with is quite significant. I wonder if it is known what percentage of ALL Scientologists on course somewhere go to Flag annually? Is there any way to extrapolate the total number of Scientologists on course worldwide? For instance, if one in four have gone to Flag, then we could come up with 17,600 total Scientologists on course worldwide.
Maybe we could take a poll outside each Scientology mission and org and find out that way.
Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 08:58:17 -0800
From: Thaddeus Beier <>
Organization: Hammerhead Productions
Subject: Re: can we extrapolate worldwide figures from the 4400?
Jeff Jacobsen wrote:
> Since every Scientologist who continues Up the Bridge has to wind up
> at Flag, the 4400 number that Kristi and Cerridwen came up with is
> quite significant. I wonder if it is known what percentage of ALL
> Scientologists on course somewhere go to Flag annually? Is there any
> way to extrapolate the total number of Scientologists on course
> worldwide? For instance, if one in four have gone to Flag, then we
> could come up with 17,600 total Scientologists on course worldwide.
> Maybe we could take a poll outside each Scientology mission and org
> and find out that way.
I've done some statistical analysis of Scn membership, as have other people. Everybody comes up with numbers around 50,000 for worldwide active membership -- people who consider themselves Scn. Nothing I've seen points to a number much greater or less than that. A lower bound of about 15,000 would come from that New Year's Day party at the Sports Arena at LA in late 1999. While it's clear that some cutting and pasting did happen in the pictures, there were a lot of people there.