The grandest opportunity we have as individuals is to shape ourselves into something better than pond scum... We have this opportunity.
Many of course blow it, these do not even realize that they, by thier behavior, actively create and define who they are.
Will we support the killers, the conn artists or the bringers of light. Indeed will we ever be bright enough to tell them apart.
We are defined, and define ourselves by who we do, or do not support. Its not a 'game'. Supporting scum leaves you without decency. Its a very efficient operation.
That you see, is where divine justice comes in..... as Electra was driven away, as Martin Luther King was shot though the forehead, and as the criminal cult is supported..... we all make our choice what world we will live in.....and who we are, and whether will become a disease on the face of the earth or not.
Some people are you know.... a disease on the face of the earth.
Will we stand by as the bringers of death, ridicule and the hubbard agenda.. and destroy others with whom we disgaree. Will we remain silent and watch as the brown shirts come to take away our nieghbors...or will we have the integrity to take a decent stand.
What stand have *you taken?
One thing that utterly amazes me is that in these NG's one sees this random collection of critics..and guess what? They dont lie! In fact they ruthlessly attack each other for even daring to post a curve ball, even if it seems to forward the cause.
Amazing. And when you meet these people.... now thats very interesting. You meet people alive with Life...bright eyed...
successful as human beings.
Apparently what it is, truth is the natural juxtaposition from lies....
and what do we see from Hubbard from day one? Lies. Yes he had something to offfer, but he lied. he ruined his wives and children wholesale, he lied... and he founded the cult that lies. the natural juxtaposition is truth and decency.
So what will the future bring? Well its like this.... truth and decency brings Life..... and lies create the oposite.
And that is why this cult is going down, not because the critics will put it down. Its going down on its own diseased condition, and unfortunately will take those not bright enough to see that with them.
Yet we all have the have a choice. You can remain silent or you can speak up. You can choose to be decent, or justify a range of indecent and destructive perversions.
What you say and do will **define and determine who you are.. ..
if you follow the peverse pathways the rot will come from within and that will be who you are...and what *you have made of yourself...and you will feel it inside, the seething discomfort and spiritual agony.
Dis-ease after all is not fostered by decency but by indecency regardless if one is bright enough to see that. Many of course are not bright enough to see that. or come to rely on some drug or mind warp to mask the symtoms... but inside we all know... do we have peace ... or not?
We used to see cult members posting that intent was irrellevent to ones product !. In effect that ill intent and an indecent life could foster something good. Not so. All that comes from a base of ill intent and decay is a good conn job.... and like any good conn job... its TRUTH mixed with lies.
An idiot of course is unable to parse these issues.
So what then does the already indecent person foster? What is south from there? It is my contention and its also mentioned in the bible that the 'pit' follows.
Many it seems, including myself in many areas can and have come back from indecent behavior, in my case almost limitless ruthlessness, Few it seems come back from the pit as the degradation goes uncorrected.
Of course this is not a popular notion. Hubbard and the satanists address the issue on the surface by saying the new age mantra that all will eventually be free, that its just a matter of time.
You see, that is a way of saying that one does not define himself....
that actions are irrelevant in the long term...and that there is no need to be responsible or decent...... and that there is no down side to limitless degradation...when in fact there is.
For those in doubt on this issue I recommend a study of the darkest and deepest satanic writings, these are very overt in thier promise to provide a materially successful life while alive, in exchange for the pit when one dies. Sorry folks but thats the ancient agenda, and is from what I can tell the case.
It's not a game.
That definition of ourselves that we create second by second, is not just for public consumption, It is for *you.....
You define your life by your actions. You determine whether you are a real man or real woman on the earth, or scum in the sewer *you make that definition, and its *not just some meaningless significance that has no effect in the long term because 'we will all be free someday in the end'.... thats simply a lie.
you by your own actions, or inactions actually create who you are...
and friend. *you get to live with that now, and for all time to come.
No dogma or cloistered group of like thinking psychpathic morons is going to save you from that.
What have you chosen? Have you chosen ot Live, or have you to chosen to ruin.... for whatever reason, it makes no difference.
One becomes the ruiner, and the ruin then becomes ones general condition! The ruiner does not escape his own venom.... and ones own life in that case can be found in utter chaos, and despair.... the only distraction being to kill and destroy until in the end, like the SS at Auschwitz these are forced to carry the dead and decaying bodies of thier victims to the mass graves..
These get to experience from my observation a considerable period of hell on earth before getting to spend an eternity in equally devastating circumstances.
If you are having a little bit of hell on earth these days inside your head, or in your life... then I suggest you may be on the wrong path... and that the farther you go on that path, the tougher it is going to be to crawl back out if you can even manage it.
Divine justice you see. One need not wish the indecent ill, they bring it on themselves, in spades.
One reaches a break point of degradation from which there is no return. Its that way with all systems.
I suggest one can have a better purpose in life than that, no matter how glorioulsly justified, ruining others is a disgrace to life and the sickest of sick behaviors.... how one can be proud of that is beyond my comprehension.
Phil Scott