As you know, Psychiatrists meet every full moon at midnight in unconsecrated churches and drink the blood of kidnapped babies.
Luckily, we at the Criminal Cult of Hubbard Robots (CCHR) are fighting them and their attempts to give unsuspecting citizens the cooties through infected doorknobs.
Soon, all psychiatrists will replaced by someone who took a few courses on how to use an unusually expensive pseudo-polygraph, and since that person will be claiming to be performing a religious ritual, the usual legally recognized confidentiality of therapy will not apply.
How fortunate mankind will be when L. Ron Hubbard's vision of a society where the local Scientology org will say what the law shall be; a world where families can live fruitful lives guided by the wisdom of L. Ron Hubbard, the man who said...
"It gives me no displeasure to hear a virgin being raped. The lot of women is to be fornicated".
and "Don't break your back scrubbing floors- get yourself a nigger, that's what they were born for".