Note regarding the state council decision (may 18th, 2005) dismissing two scientology complaints against two "circulaires" from an ex-Justice Minister:
One will notice the severe appreciation of the Council of State, which indirectly legalizes the wording "cults" for dangerous movements claiming to work towards religious ends, quote:
Moreover, due to the potential risks of some practices from some organizations usually called "cults" , while these movements pretend also to have a religious purpose, these ministerial notes ("circulaires") don't ignore the principle of the religion freedom..."
It is the third time at least that the scientology has been directly (or indirectly as here) described as a *cult* by a judicial power office in France (once after having attacked me for libel and having lost; one or twice during the Court's instruction against their Nice and Marseille orgs for the theft of the snail mails of the justice expert Abgrall, and once here).
The State Council has not been more lured than during the preceding decisions refusing the religious appelation to scientology. Better : the State Council decision adds some value - "an informative" value - to the list of cults having been presented together by the Minister in herministerial notes.
That list of cults is severely attacked by scientology and its cultic friends since decades, so, when the highest administrative french courts characterizes the cults' list as "informative", it's official and has a judicial value.