Why is it that thousands of Scientologists work fanatically day and night, burning away the best years of their lives yet a handful of critics working part-time are making Scientology shrink. Part time. Foundation. Evenings and Weekends.
You have to wonder, Where are the OTs? All it would take is the ability to as- is 1/2 millimeter of aortal artery to eliminate any suppressive. Are you saying there is not a single OT who can as-is 1/2 millimeter of meat body tissue? No one would know. No one would be caught. Scientology could freely expand and bring freedom to the entire planet! Or could it?
You know what I think? I don't think there are any OT's in Scientology. Use the data series if common sense escapes you. OTs are super beings. Scientology is failing. Contradicting data. Biiiiiiig outpoint. Yep. Drink deep my friend.
There are NO OTs. That means, when that OT7 you know acts like an idiot, there is no "OT reason" for it. He's an idiot.
Yet there is value to what you have learned. Get out NOW and use what you've learned to improve your own life instead of working to fatten the Sea Org's secret bank accounts for the exclusive use of the upper execs who have hijacked your religion, your tech and your future. Hop off the train, it ain't going nowhere but a sad, broken and friendless old-age for you. YOU are responsible for the condition you are in. What you LRH do? Sit around and be taken advantage of or strike out on his own and damn the consequences! What's so important about your neck anyway? There is no scarcity of auditing out here.
You can audit all you want with a co-auditor. ALL YOU WANT. Unlimited. Even LRH says you can't harm the human mind with auditing so why are you so worried about making a few mistakes? You think Class XII auditors don't make mistakes?
You don't have to make a big deal about it. Just, stop contributing. Make up some excuse. You can't afford it, whatever. I did that for 10 years, all the while co-auditing with someone else. I never lost my Scientology contacts.