I have been increasingly annoyed at the nonsense appearing in Google News, mainly consisting of nonsense from questionable "press release" services or even straight from Scientology itself.
So I submitted a press release about it. After all, it's "news," right? This article now appears in Google "News."
Any idiot, kook, or moron who wishes to submit their own "news," and there are sure people like that on these groups, can do so at: http://www.pressbox.co.uk/cgi-bin/links/add.cgi
http://www.pressbox.co.uk/detailed/International/Google_News_bombarded_with_avalanche_of_kooky_press_releases__32714.html http://tinyurl.com/8e8s8
Google News bombarded with avalanche of kooky "press releases"
Added: (Tue Jul 26 2005)
Internet users have recently been shocked at the pollution of Google News by absolutely nonsensical "news releases" from a variety of sources. Google's sloppy choice of sources to include in its so-called "news" service has resulted in a flood of nonsense from kooks on a rampage.
"There is a news story that quotes me, and I have been dead since 1924!" exclaimed Vladimir Ilyich Uyanov, better known to the world as Lenin. When informed of the flood of bogus press releases, celebrity Scientologist Tom Cruise commented, "This is exactly the kind of thing you would expect of the International Psychiatric Conspiracy. By the way, I'm gay! Wugga wugga!"
Disturbed Internet users wonder exactly how low Google News' standards in their choice of news sources will go, as the database is further polluted by polemics and tirades of Scientologists, disgruntled net kooks, trolls, and other questionable and self-appointed sources of "news."
"When will it end?" said Jesus Christ. "As if I don't have to put up with enough already being associated with Republicans, without being quoted in made-up press releases by idiots."
Rob Clark, International Reporter-at-Large Fifth International Contact: 666 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C.
Submitted by: Rob Clark