Going to my mailbox these days is like Christmas every day. Such lovely
surprises for me!
I would especially like to acknowledge a SPLENDID package that had several of the completions lists I requested and some other indescribably delightful things; a small package of mailouts; a big package of mailouts;
and one kind and clearly OT package from someone who precognited my request for CAN newsletters and sent some before I had even posted my request for them!
One of the packages appears to have come open in the mail - the post office put plastic around it to keep it together - but it appears to have come from one of my anonymous donors who removes all label info before sending me things, so that's all right. Do make sure though, folks, that your envelopes are nice and sturdy before tossing them in the mail.
Words are just not enough to express how delighted I am to be getting all this excellent information. I'm hoping you'll all see the results soon - I have a BIG ol' list of Source data that is very, very close to being ready for prime time.
As always, I appreciate your patience, and I MASSIVELY appreciate your contributions.
Thanks to all my many generous contributors!
-- Kristi Wachter the activist formerly known as "Jour" (before $cientology outed me)
If I am not who you say I am, then you are not who you think you are.
- James Baldwin
I think $cientology is hurting people and breaking the law, and I want them to stop it. See http://www.scientology-lies.com for more.
KSW: http://www.truthaboutscientology.com/alteringtech.htm