Top Scientology harassment techniques:
From: martinh @ (Martin Hunt)
Subject: Top Harassment Techniques
Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 21:53:02 GMT
If you speak out about Scientology, you can expect to be
harassed in any number of ways. These are some of the
methods used by the cult to harass their critics into silence.
Top Scientology harassment techniques:
- Phone the critic's parents or family members
- Stage a picket outside the critic's home
- Contact the critic's employer and attempt to get them fired
- Contact the critic's ISP and attempt to get their account shut down
- Kill the critic's pets, or leave dead animals on their doorstep
- Spread libellous leaflets around the critic's neighbourhood
- Sue the critic
- (if the critic is an ex-Scientologist) reveal infomation from
the critic's confidential confessional folders
- DA the critic (see previous post for some of the more common
DA libels used)
- Investigate the critic
- Support the enemies of the critic (if, for example, the critic
is involved in a messy divorce, support their spouse)
- Dig up dirt on the critic using spies
- Infiltrate a person close to the critic to report on them
- Frame the critic
Again, it depends on how much of a threat Scientology's intelligence
service and executives perceive you to be; the more of a threat they
believe you to be, the more harassment will be done to you. The
level of harassment you experience is then a good guide to how much
of a threat they believe you to be.
Cogito, ergo sum.
Watch Xenu TV:
Go to a protest in your area:
Mr. Hamra said, "The Church of Scientology now had a database
of information on every subscriber which included names, credit
card info., credit reports, telephone info., computer info., who
had referred them to Earthlink and who were their previous ISP
providers." Mr. Hamra told me about the "other Earthlink building"
which was next door on New York Avenue in Pasadena. Mr. Hamra told
me that the other building was high security and is where Earthlink
and the Church of Scientology did all the monitoring of the internet.
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