Scientology sponsors CCHR to further these goals:
Develop lawsuits against medical practitioners who compete with orgs Deflect criticism and prevent discussion of illegal, unethical org and upper management practices Attempt what they call "PR Area Control," which means control of the environment around orgs Most of the CCHR volunteers who are not on staff are given limited information about these goals. Instead they are provided with large packs of photocopied information and encouraged to write letters, recopy and otherwise disseminate the negative stories. Study results are often quoted out of context, if they shed a bad light on "psychs." "Victims" are located, developed and marketed as long as they support the campaign against traditional mental health.
I personally received training in how to go on radio talk shows and attack psychiatry (in the early 1980's, before I left). They kept it simple. If I didn't know an answer or a caller wasn't forwarding the cause, I was to simply state that psychiatry was targeting the youth and elderly of our nation, until the health insurance ran out, etc. Anti-Psychiatry posters use the same methodology. They post from CCHR materials. They don't answer questions about the content. Generally they have no expertise on the topic.
It's likely that they don't even read the public replies to their postings.
Dennis Clark is a good example of the perfect CCHR staffer. Lifelong commitment to upper management, thoroughly brainwashed to follow orders, will take violent action toward anyone perceived as a threat. It's unfortunate for the org that Dennis can't see the impression that he creates with people on the "outside." He is a relic that CCHR can no longer afford in these days of internet and instant communications.
Things have forever changed and nobody told OSA and company, I guess. They are dot Ronners living in a dot com world.
Chip Gallo Escapee