Well, somehow this is no surprise:
English (Rhetoric) C, B Chemistry (General) D, D Mech. Engineering (Drawing, Geometry) B, C Math (Plane Geometry) F Phys Ed C, A German (1st yr) E, F Math (Diff. Calculus) F Civil Eng. (Construction) Incomplete Physics (Sound/Light) E Math (Diff. Calculus 2nd attempt) D Math (Int. Calculus) D Math (Analytic Geometry) D English (the Short Story) B,B Physics (Electricity, Magnetism) D Physics (Molecular/Atomic) F"Placed on probation for deficiency in scholarship"
So the only thing Hubbard did halfway well at the time was Physical Education (inspiration perhaps for running round poles?) and "The Short Story", which for him meant that he could type off a reel of butcher paper and get paid for it whether it was a load of crap or not, but most likely for publishers meant that he was destined for the mediocrity that Hubbard became in real life. Though I'll bet those Bs in English were the result of endless harassment and cajoling on Hubbard's part, in order to prevent a charge of plagiarism from appearing on his record.
It was only by self-publishing that Hubbard ended up getting into anything beyond a pulp magazine. I suppose that, even in high school, the teenage future pill-head, rummy, wife-beating, child-abusing, wannabe antichrist thought of those poor teachers who tried to teach him something, "I will crush them!" or something equally ridiculous.
Very similar to Hitler in many respects! Failed wannabe auteur takes out psychotic rage on high school teachers who saw him for what he was.
-- Revd. Norle Enturbulata "Church" of Cartoonism * * You can write that down in your book in great big letters. * The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them. * - L.Ron Hubbard, "Overts, Motivators and Deds", 1952