From: "Chicago OT Committee"
Date: July 20, 2005
Subject: New Flash!!!
Dear Chicago Scientologist.
We have a chance to make history.
This week across the world OT Committees, Class V Orgs, International Management Executives, and Scientologists from all walks of like have come together to raise more money for the expansion of Scientology than any other week in our history.
Pretty exciting. Well it gets even more exciting.....Chicago is just a hairs breath away from being the top producing field. If we raise an additional $30,000 before Thursday at 2:00pm we will have raised more than any other city in the whole wild word.
We will be #1 in the World in the week when Scientologists everywhere stood up and said, "That's it, we're going for it. Ron gave us the Tech to salvage this civilization and we are going to make sure that we do just that."
I know that we've all contributed a much already, but let's each look at how much else we can give and then call the Org and contribute to this historic moment.
We are Chicago. We have been an awesome field for years after year. It's time the whole Scientology world knew it.
We are the City of Big Shoulders and we will make a shouler to shoulder effort and pull this off.
ML Allyne
"Imagine a 'church' so dangerous, you must sign a release form before you can receive its 'spiritual assistance.' This assistance might involve holding you against your will for an indefinite period, isolating you from friends and family, and denying you access to appropriate medical care. You will of course be billed for this treatment - assuming you survive it. If not, the release form absolves your caretakers of all responsibility for your suffering and death. Welcome to the Church of Scientology." -- Dr. Dave Touretzky Peter Alexander