I've lived here now since May, and travel downtown almost daily.
Scientology just bought a new apartment complex for their supposedly expanding needs. They're remodeling some apartments just east of the Sandcastle for visitors. I just can't understand this decision to buy more property at all.
There are 2 motels near downtown owned by Scientology that have maybe 30 rooms each. These are always almost empty as far as I can tell. There are very few cars in the parking lots and I never see anyone there except security guards or such. They also own 3 small motels right next to each other north on Ft. Harrison Avenuse. Again, there is never anyone at these either. There are definitely people living at the Hacienda Gardens and the Quality Inn on US 19, but how full they are I can't say. So why are they adding these new properties? All I can figure is that they maybe really do believe that when the Super Power building opens, masses will magically begin joining Scientology.
This was part of my curiosity about last New Year's event, where usually the cry is "we're expanding! We're growing exponentially!"
However, on the ground here, I see no expansion whatsoever except in acquisition of apparently unnecessary property. So, as a public service, I give this information to you Scientologists so you can decide whether the rhetoric is true about Expansion.
Also, I went by the Super Power building. They are working on the
fire extinguisher system and have just started on the electrical as
well. The 4th, 5th and 6th floor are pretty much blocked in now, and
the skeleton should be done next week.
"The idea that one can 'push' Scientology and get no penalty is a false one." Russell Shaw
"To punish to the fullest extent of my power anyone misusing or degrading Scientology
to harmful ends" (The original Code of a Scientologist)