John, real quick, what's your point. You're a Scientologist... John.
JOHN: Hello there.
RABBI: Real quick, we're getting to the bottom of the hour. What's your point?
JOHN: Thank you. I wanted to ask you, sir, after all the time that you have spent daming a religious organization... if you would be willing sir, to spend two hours with four or five people to just learn a little bit about what the organization actually teaches, actually believes, and actually promulgates. If you'd be willing to...
RABBI: John, John, you've put the challenge. I've read L. Ron Hubbard...
JOHN: That's one book that you poorly understood, sir...
RABBI: OOOOHHHHH! OOHH, unless I hear it from you... in other words I don't have a mind of my own to figure it out? What am I, a dumbbell? Get outta here John. One minute, Steve. You're talking to somebody who's a Talmudical scholar of 36 years, who's able to translate mysticism and Kabalah... and I say that L. Ron Hubbard's book is Chinese to me, I need you to explain it to me? If I can't understand it, then it ain't worth it. Boy! Don't come on this show and tell me that if I read a book and I don't understand it, that therefore I need you to teach it to me. If it can't be understood by the Rabbi, then trust me, I'm not gonna let one of you people sit and hypnotize me to get it down my neck.