in article Xns96A1E3E91733Clordcorumyahoocom@, Mikhail Bilinski at let fly on 7/28/05 11:24 PM:
> Tonight on the daily show, $cientology was featured...Jon Stewart is wicked
> awesome. I could just hear Heber screaming YOU!!!!! during the spot called
> This Week in God. Spot on.
Stephen Colbert did that piece. I saw it, too, it was awesome. The Daily
Show on Comedy Central rules.
Right after a bit about mcDonald's having to apologize to Hindus for not disclosing that fries are made with beef tallow, came a rather long [for This Week In God] segment about Scientology.
He came at it from an angle of 'religion of the stars' and talked about Hubbard's creation, including the Xenu story, body thetans, and then said that he just saved everyone thousands of dollars in church auditing costs.
There were even graphics to illustrate body thetans - the best was one cartoon body thetan coming out of a photoshopped hole in Tom Cruise's head.
Then, he speculated he'd be getting a call from a Scientology lawyer, or the lawyer of...and here he rattled off a bunch of celeb Scns.
A shorter segment followed, and as he began to wrap up This Week In God, his cell phone rang, and he was pretending to talk to a Scn attorney. "How do you guys know all this stuff before it goes on the air" asks Colbert. And then the camera angle rises a little, goes to black and white and has something like "Scientology Cam" at the top. Colbert looks up, sees the SciCam, and nods his head. "You guys are good."
It was singularly the best media coverage of Scn, inc. I've ever seen.
M.C. DiPietra, SP5
"Hell, if you understood everything I say, you'd be me!" -Miles Davis