(BasicQuestions) wrote in message news:<>...
> I've seen a previous "Bizarre OT Win" thread and hope it will be
> continued. Anyway, out of my 15 pieces of Scientology mail today, I
> got one great quote that I feel compelled to pass on:
> "I won't call it privacy because that dignifies it. You have to be
> willing to invade privacy, very definitely.
> "Well, when you realize that the highest point of aberration on the
> third dynamic was the first time you decided not to invade somebody's
> privacy, that nearly everything you've suffered from since was a
> determination not to invade somebody's privacy, you will see at once
> where this connects on 8-Cing somebody into a service zone.
> "If you have a hard time invading people's privacy ...
> LRH [Excerpted from "Second Lecture on Clearing Methodology"; no
> further reference given]
> This is so ridiculous that I force myself to restrain from further
> comment... (OK, one comment: I'm getting out my telescope
> tonight--I'll be damned if anyone's calling me aberrated!)
Heh. The old fraud was full of it, wasn't he? Here's one of my favourites -
#447 RON'S INSTRUCTIONS 23 November 1963
The following Telex was received from L. Ron Hubbard on November 23, 1963 on being advised of the death of President Kennedy.
"Resume our policy and events. Kennedy assassination regrettable but we could have prevented it if the government had not been fighting meters.
We had long standing and insistent offer to government to be permitted to check out all repatriates from Russia and China. Only Scientologists can detect brainwashing......
E-Meters could have saved Kennedy and we offered to do it and got our heads kicked off.
So get this data around however you do it and let all Scientologists in on it and raise some hell. We're going to clean up the US eventually. Play it close with the Birch Society and all other rightist groups. Back Goldwater.
Subversion came within an ace of sweeping America and we were only saved by a crazy freak.
So that's the data and that's where we stand. Get Fudge and other offices on it. Release the data broadly.
Love, Ron"
I'm just wondering - who or what the hell was 'Fudge'?
"Of the few innocent pleasures left....
the jamming of commonsense down the throats of fools is perhaps the keenest."
Thomas Huxley