This afternoon I gave a guest of the Lisa McPherson Trust a quick tour of downtown Clearwater. When we walked past the Ft.
Harrison Hotel the security guy there out of the blue said something like "keep off the sidewalk." I was startled and said "this is not a Scientology sidewalk, you don't control it and you can't tell me to get off it." He kept telling us to move on, which we were doing anyway (sorta like telling a comatose person "lie in the bed. Thank you.").
We walked around the back of the Ft. Harrison and I was explaining how there was a discrepency of where Room 174 was (where Lisa McPherson was held). As we were discussing this, the security guy Croc I think came out with pen and paper and asked what we were doing, who my guest was, would we be looking at any other properties, etc. I told him I'm not a Scientologist so he can't sec. check me and this is a public sidewalk not a Scientology sidewalk. I turned on my videocamera to record this nonsense when Croc suddenly turned on his heels and left.
Our guest got a quick introduction to what life in Clearwater is like.