Consider life in a world ruled by Scientology's Sea Org...
(Keep in mind that Sea Org members believe they are members of the "most ethical group on the planet")
In a Scientology-controlled world -- run the way the Sea Org is run, with its ways of putting "ethics in" on the planet:
a) You would not be allowed to own a television set. The ownership of television sets (except by certain upper management executives) is not permitted.
b) You would not be allowed to read or own "entheta" books, tapes, magazines, newspapers, CDs, record albums, etc. There would be a published order (called an "ethics order", an "executive directive", or perhaps a "policy directive") listing which materials are not to be bought, sold, possessed or read. Even the reading of interpretations or studies of Hubbard's works by outsiders would not be allowed.
c) You would not get time off from work if your stats were down. Even if your stats were up, you would still be required to submit a "CSW" to your senior for approval before you would be allowed to take time off. You would have to submit a copy of your stat graph, your "battle plan" for the coming week, your "ethics condition formula" currently being applied, and your "production targets and daily quotas" for the coming week along with your "CSW" (request) for time off. And you would have to attest that you had no "backlogged comm" (unanswered communications) in your office before you would be allowed to take time off.
d) You would not be allowed to marry a non-Sea Org member.
e) You would not be allowed to engage in a sexual relationship with anyone but your lawfully wedded spouse.
f) You would not be allowed to enter the berthing quarters of a member of the opposite sex.
g) Heavy petting and kissing would be grounds for assignment to the RPF.
h) If you scored too low a score on the OCA, or were determined to be a "non-producer", you would be sent to the RPF.
i) If you were found to be an "R/Ser" you would be sent to the RPF.
j) You would not be allowed to have children if you were "low-toned", a "List One R/Ser", a "low OCA, non-producer", a "repeated stat crasher", "overt product maker", etc.
k) If you were found to be a "degraded being" ("DB"), you would have the lowest priority for getting any help, and any "help" you would get would be Hubbard's brand of "tech".
l) You would be required to write reports on all "out-ethics" situations of everyone around you.
m) In addition to doing your normal job duties would be required to recruit other members into your group.
n) Each morning at 8:00 or 8:30 AM (and at 12:45 PM, 6:45 PM and 10:30 PM) you would be required to be present at "group muster" (roll call). If you were found to be absent, you would be "written up" to the "ethics officer". If your stats were down you would be ordered to a "court of ethics".
o) If you wished to take a vacation *you* would be required to find a person or persons to fill in for you during your absence.
p) You would be required to submit to a "sec check" upon return from your vacation.
q) You would be required to undergo 12 1/2 hours per week indoctrination into Hubbard's "tech" or "auditing" procedures. If your stats were down and you were found to be in non-compliance (not participating in the "staff enhancement program"), your pay would be withheld for the week.
r) You would be required to complete a "Life History" form. On this form you would have to disclose all former sexual partners and what types of sexual activities (especially any perversions) you engaged in; any and all drugs (legal and illegal) ever used, with a complete list of each, the number of times each was used, including the dates used; all schools attended, complete with names and years attended; your parents' names, their occupations and their employers; your siblings' names; any childhood accidents and illnesses you have had; any hospitals you have been in; any psychiatric therapy received; whether you have ever been institutionalized in any type of rest home; whether you have ever received psychological counselling; whether you have ever seen a psychiatrist; whether you have ever been in a mental institution of any kind; whether you have committed any criminal acts for which you could be blackmailed, over what time period, including full details; whether any of your family or close friends have expressed scepticism or been critical of Scientology; whether you are related to or connected to intelligence agencies either by past history or immediate familial connections, including the name of the agency, the names of people you were involved with, their name(s), their job titles and the circumstances of your involvement; etc.
s) You would not be allowed to report any problems within your group to *any* outside agencies or person(s).
t) The only "court" system you would be allowed to use would be the Scientology system of "ethics" and "justice".
Is this the kind of world you want to live in?
Warrior - Sunshine disinfects