Actually, the film will be whenever Mark gets the interview edited.
It is no mystery to CO$ or regular readers of ARS who I really am. I had one of their PI's say to me last week, "I know who you are," and a Scientologist who showed up at my work recently called into someone who gave him my name... I have been cryptic here and will remain so for posting/privacy purposes... but my identity is out there, and I will be one of the upcoming interview subjects on the LMT site, I can be seen and heard in my own words there, in living color. I post this to serve the public in general. Be careful crossing the CO$, or you will be outed. Letters to the editor you wrote years ago will be quoted out of context, as will song lyrics of bands you aren't in anymore, in an effort to smear your reputation. Your employers past and present will be harassed or referenced in an attempt to intimidate you, and if you file a criminal complaint, your report will disappear inside the very office that is sworn to protect you and prosecute your attacker! You will be accused of being a Nazi, and your employers will be called members of the KKK and will have front groups attacking your reputation, your associates, and your co-workers...You will find Private Investigators hired by the CO$ under every shrub and bush in every city park in your vicinity, with binoculars trained on your private affairs...and this is not an exaggeration... I have the videotape and documentation to prove every word I say...
I humbly invite any brave and curious soul on a guided tour of downtown Clearwater. Ask me, or anyone at the LMT who is present, for a guided tour...
Or just do it yourself...but be careful. Take a video camera and walk down Ft. Harrison right in front of their "spiritual HQ" and see what really happens....just be sure you don't have any "CRIMES" that they might expose!
Having walked into what feels like the middle of something between Orwellian reality and something out of Gilliam's "Brazil", I think more ordinary folk need to know what-the-fuk is going on here...we sit in front of computers and discuss this amongst ourselves...but when is someone going to say, "Hey, there is something really wrong here?!?!?"
Between the perversion of our legal system, the perversion of the intent of the 1st amendment, and the insane ruling that CO$ is a religion (by the IRS only...which means it is a religion only for monetary purposes...)...I suggest:
If nothing else, pass on a website address, or a flier to someone with info to educate them about the truth! THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!
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