knowing a bit of spanglish, and after having done a bitof babelfishing, I dare to offer this translation...
sorry//there's still quite a bit of spanglish ere...but i've clarified a fair amount too Scientology. - The Hearing of Madrid permitira not to make questions on the prescribed and sobreseidos crimes.
MADRID, (03/05/2001 EUROPE PRESS) The 4th District of the Provincial Court of Madrid, that from the past six of February judges 14 members of the Church of the Scientology, did today publish a car in which it indicates that permitira to the Fiscalia not to make questions to the defendant and witnesses on prescribed crimes or sobreseidos, and did not accept tests related to the performance of the Scientology in the extrangero. In a three page ruling, the 4th district, of which she is president Pilar Trim off lower branches of, indicates that " the crimes are not going to be object of probanza " that have been declared prescribed, anadiendo that on most of the prescribed crimes the defendant have not declared for imputed in the instruction of the cause. You would not be judged either the facts related to destipificados crimes and those that have been object of a previous nonsuit. " the tests related to the performance of the Church of the Scientology in the extrangero ", indicates the car, that do not have Either to be admitted it remembers that or the past 18 of April showed that was not going to be judgment object " the global or universal judgment of the denomination Church of the Scientology ". However, the court considers it opportune to adopt an "ample criterion" for the admission of the test which he serves as to sustenance the accusation of the Fiscal Ministry in which it concerns to the crime of ilicit association, the only one which is judged 13 of the 14 defendant, according to to the past determine a resolution of room 4 of April First misfortune for the defense in the judgment of the Scientology MADRID (ABC) 04/05/2001. The Hearing of Madrid I communicate yesterday, in the judgment to 14 people related to the church of the Scientology its decision of not making a " universal judgment " of the same one, as well as rejecting the declaration like witnesses of but of 500 " scientologists " of Europe, proposed by one of the defendants. For the Room the tests " related to the performance of the church of the Scientology in the extrangero are not due to admit because the global or universal judgment " of the same one is not object of this procedure. Anade that "also does not judge the conduct of Heber now Carl Jentzsch ", to who the public prosecutor, in his closing statements refered to as " main leader " of the church of the Scientology. On the other hand, it adds that " he is other persons to this jurisdiction wether or notthe church constitutes an association of religious character ", although " it considers opportune to adopt an ample criterion for the admission of tests, say the facts that serve as sustenance the accusation of the Fiscal Ministry in which it concerns to the crime of illicit association "
EAGERNESS OF PROFIT With respect to the refusal of but of five hundred witnesses referred, Sala explained " rejects the totality of the pertaining to a witness test, when referred being to the personal incidence whom the application of the doctrine of the Scientology in each one of the witnesses has had, as soon as following of the same one After the resolution of the previous questions the first defendant in declaring was the ex--vice-president of the Civil Association of Dianetics denomination with which the church of the Scientology this enrolled one in Espana. " A.R ", said that " it has not punished " to anybody for " correcting his religious or social conduct ". " A.R. ", for that the public prosecutor of course requests three months of prison crime of ilicita association, anadio that he has not received a punishment by such reason and that as well " if it would have had been as if left by legs ". According to the writing of closing arguments of the public prosecutor, the real aim of the church of the Scientology " is not other than the one of an obsessive one and disordered eagerness of profit and enrichment " and in addition to that " the obtaining of as crazy gains stops as those that obtain, until the point of to have turned into one it authenticates multinational, does not scorn means or methosd, whether legal or illegal.