How patrons are made.
While reading the Patrons list I was very surprised how many of them are people whose names I know. What surprises me about that is how few of them are new people.
And reading JimDBB's responses and other responses led me to realize that to outsiders how Patrons are made is somewhat of a closed book.
First of all - I can guarantee that NONE of those Patrons came rushing in to an IAS reg with an open check book and an overflowing heart. The money had to be pulled out of even the richest of them - when the Feshbacks made their killing on the stockmarket - they paid in exactly what it took to be a Patron (after some heavy regging) - not a penny more. and it had to be worked for.
And did you notice that Tom Cruise - worth 250 million according to the newspaper reports about his and Nicole's split - is a Patron - meaning he paid in the requisite $40K? He donated 0.0016 of his total worth to protect something that he supposedly considers the most important thing on the planet.
None of the people listed - from the richest to the stupidest - ever just volunteered the money. It had to be dragged out of them - and this to protect their all important "thing".
Why are there ever increasing levels of Patron? Well - waay back when the IAS first started it was realized that once people had paid $40k they wouldn't pay any more - strange but true. The likes of O'Donnell and the others were not about to just pay the money because they were told it was needed. So every so often a new level would be announced so that the regges could go back to these people and demand more money.
Some of these "Patrons" are wealthy enough where it became easier for them to pay $40K just to get rid of the incessant phone calls, the special briefings, the regging until 3 in the morning. But lo and behold, they pay the $40k and then 18 months later a Flag IAS Reg, needing to make a big score for the stats this week dreams up a new "level" - it gets approved swiftly (it being wednesday night and everything) and Patron Meritorious is born (stupid name all in all but what do you expect from a foreigner) and thus the stupid monied public can be called at 2 in the morning to get the exciting news.
And fork over another 60 just to get rid of the reg - because they know that if they don't they will be getting calls and "visits" every couple of weeks until they do.
And for the rest - the ones with credit card bills - how do some of these people become patrons? Well they get hammered for their lifetime payment. They go into yet another briefing a month later and someone squeezes a grand more out of them, the regges realize that this one can be milked and they start regularly beating on him or her. "Just keep paying .. you can make it to Patron" - as soon as the mark gets near - say 10 Grand from making up the full 40 the regges will move into overdrive - "take a loan" "get it done now" - they will call in a PR from OSA to give an 'inside" briefing (when there is big money on the line even old Heber can be rung in for a quick 'briefing' - say a 100K closing), the mark is tired of being harassed, regged every other month over a period of years, they figure they can squeeze another credit line, another loan somewhere and the IAS gets the final 10K - a new Patron!!!
Two months later, it all starts again.
Another amazing thing about this list of Patrons is how many of them are ex-Sea Org members. Degraded beings according to Hubbard. Here they are people who just couldn't cut it in the SO, and so they are easy to reg - after all they know they failed. Gotta make it up somehow - the Dirmann's, Zwers' and a host of others - just got to pay and pay.
Truly amazing bunch these Patrons - half of them can't afford it and should never have done it - and when they go bankrupt rest assured the IAS will not be there to help. Some of the others could pay 40K a month and not even notice - and yet they don't. Why not?
Surely Tom Cruise and John Travolta could pay over 10% of their pay for each film that they do? That would, I realize, only leave them with about 18 mill per picture but if they had been doing that since 1985 then the IAS would have what, an extra $100 million from them alone - imagine!
But it appears that neither Tom nor John actually take the "threat" that seriously.
And where does the money go that these Patrons have had squeezed out of them?
Well they all get the "hard sell" quote - you know, the one that has "stocks and bonds and on things that are in fact, being destroyed" in it? Old Hubbards appeal against mammon? This little gem gets trotted out in almost any reg interview where the mark dares utter any sort of objection.
So what does the IAS do with the money? Well the little gnomes at the Gatehouse make sure that it gets put into stocks and bonds and gold certificates...
some of it, of course, goes to pay some expenses - but not as much as you may think. Most of the PIs and the lawyers are paid from the CofS, not IAS. The IAS is a non-accountable fund of money that has to be accounted for to no-one - particularly the dumb twits who are milked for the money. The CofS money may, at some point have to be accounted for - you never know. But the IAS money - to none.
So these people have to be dragged into interviews and figuratively beaten into giving the money. The ones that have enough money still have to be beaten into giving but they sure as hell won't give more than they have to. And where does all that money go?
Back to the "international bankers" that Hubbard loved so much.
And why does the IAS keep having to go back to the Patron well for more and more money?
Because there are so few new people coming in that the lifetime membership fees (which were supposed to comprise the bulk of the income) do not come close to giving what's needed. So few lifetime members means even fewer reg prospects for Patrons - so - hey ho back to the slow witted ones who proved they would cave under the pressure and get some more out of them.
Expect a new "patron level" in the next year - "Patron
Supercalafragilisticexpealleydocious" or something equally dumb. It will be the
sure sign that the IAS income is down and has been for a while.
Scientology: Building idiots from the bottom up.