Sector Operations Bulletin No. 15
Sector Ethics Order No. 3
23 June 82 III
Sector 9
Sun 12
The person known as:
formerly DGUS and earlier OES NY org, currently public FCCI from the NYC area, is hereby declared:
He has been advising the US Government for over 14 years (and is currently still doing so) on how best to attack and take control of the Church of Scientology and was himself acting as a government agent when DGUS.
He was Comm-Eved and declared Suppressive in 1973 for non-compliance with Founder and Controller orders on several court cases.
He is a control adviser to the enemy on the scenarios currently being run against the Church.
He has collaborated with and protected known suppressive government agents such as John Cole (FBI, CIA, DIA) and Debbie Mace (agent provocateur) who have tried to buy, steal, and other-wise entice loyal staff to betray confidential data.
He has caused the unmock and infiltration of the Guardian Office Information Branch (B1) in the United States, allowing in the very agents who prevented the exposure of Michael Meisner as a suppressive agent provocateur before the illegal act occurred.
He thus has the responsibility of the gross overt of producing the series of events which led to the imprisonment of the Founder's wife. His fellow agents in this betrayal: JAMES (JIMMY) MULLIGAN, ANNE MULLIGAN, MICHAEL MEISNER, AND ALAN HUBBERT (subject of Sector Ethics Order 2) are also declared:
All are guilty of false reports and false stats sent to Founder and Controller, cutting of Command and information lines, threatening and coercing loyal Scientologists, and betrayal of trust. All have discredited and have caused to be expelled Loyal Officers and Church members who attempted to find the truth and prevent the Church from being infiltrated and betrayed.
Bob Thomas is additionally guilty of violation of the NON-INTERFERENCE DECREE on SECTOR 9 issued in the Earth year 1982. Specifically, Point 5:
„The technical and ethical experiment in progress by Sector Commander Elray is not to be interfered with in any way whatsoever as it is extremely vital to the future of the Galaxy and its inhabitants."
He and his fellow agents are to be given no solace or cooperation by any Loyal Officer or Church member until they come to their senses and divulge full information of their roles, contacts, and associates in the above SUPPRESSIVE actions against the Church. They must confess fully each and every action with time, place, form, and event to an authorized Patrol Member.
Astar Paramejgian
Deputy Sector Commander
Elron Elray
Sector Commander
Sector Nine
Galactic Patrol