On January 22, 1999 David Miscavige, chairman of RTC, wrote a letter to Bernie McCabe, states attorney for the state of Florida. McCabe was in charge of the Lisa McPherson criminal case. Miscavige was seeking to "handle" the criminal case.
DM letter:
http://www.lisatrust.net/legal/dm_mccabe.htm (html version)
http://www.lisatrust.net/legal/dm_mccabe.txt (text version)
On February 4, 1999, McCabe responded to Miscavige's letter,
basically rejecting the entire proposal and pointing out the criminal
history of Scientology.
McCabe letter:
http://www.lisatrust.net/legal/McCabe_DM.htm (html version)
http://www.lisatrust.net/legal/mccabe_dm.txt (text version)
With hindsight, it was a strange outcome in the end. Miscavige
never had to pay his 1/2 million dollars, and McCabe dropped the case.