I am now officially SP5. Two german scientology organisations have sued me for a post I made in the german scientology newsgroup. However the lawsuit is only about $600 . This has to do with the fact that I did already sign a "cease and desist"
letter before (I didn't want to risk a lawsuit), but declined to pay the legal costs associated with the letter, because IMO it wasn't libellous. This means that they can sue me only for the legal costs (and not the "full thing"), which is these $600 plus the legal costs for these $600. (And the court has already hinted that it considers these costs to be too high :-)) Because in Germany legal costs are calculated differently than in the US, the "worst" that can happen to me is that I have to pay about $800. And I don't even have to appear in court - the court has decided that it wants to do it in writing.
This means: I am probably the smallest SP5 in history. Maybe I'll also become the smallest SP6. And if I lose, it's no big deal. I doubt they will even be able to write about it in "Freedom".
Tilman PS: Don't send me money. (Except if your name is Dennis Erlich) -- Tilman Hausherr [KoX, SP5] Entheta * Enturbulation * Entertainment tilman@berlin.snafu.de http://www.xenu.de Resistance is futile. You will be enturbulated. Xenu always prevails.
Find broken links on your web site: http://www.snafu.de/~tilman/xenulink.html The Xenu bookstore: http://www.snafu.de/~tilman/bookstore.html