"Android Cat" <androidcat99@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:3bdf846a$1@news2.lightlink.com...
> It occurs to me that (a) Co$ never learns a lesson and (b) a lot of
> their VM shots look "posed" in front of the action.
> (http://www.scientology-toronto.org/ministers.htm) -- There is just
> something *wrong* about how the guy (upper left) is holding that bucket.
> (Like, it's empty?)
I suspect that the bucket's got nothing more than paper in it. Look at the
guy's back, how it's bent? Remember the bit about how men can't bend over
AND pick a chair up by its back? It's like that. The bucket would have to
be quite light to be held in that manner. The only way he could be bending
like that AND handling a heavy bucket would be if he were muscling the
bucket up and out - but there's no debris of ANY kind coming out of the
bucket - despite the incredible amounts of ash and dust at Ground Zero.
You'd therefore think that some dust/ash would be clouding up out of the bucket, wouldn't you? Perhaps he's using his OatTee powerz to keep it all in the bucket, hm?
Secondly, look at the perspective/field-of-vision in the photo. Note the apparent distance between the VM and everyone else. This would be possibly the effect of having pasted the VM on top of the photo, and carefully getting rid of those revealing edges. However, the VM is sized much too large for where he must be, in relation to the REAL volunteers behind him.
It's a paste-job, but a good one, though they flubbed the placement.
> I wouldn't be surprised if they gimmicked a photo or two. (Blurred faces
> on some is complying with NY state law if you don't have permission to
> use their image.)
Photo #3: Note that the shadow on the woman in the right foreground - why
is she not wearing a hard hat? - is coincident with the lines of shadow on
the VM in the right background, which could be the result of a bad paste of
the background VM. VM foreground has a different shirt on than the one in
the back. VM foreground, despite the bright white light behind her that
indeed glints off the fireman's helmet - her hair doesn't have the slightest
halo. The lighting on the fireman and her are from different angles for
some reason. Possibly because she wasn't THERE?
Photo #4: Why is there no debris on the floor of whatever office they're doing this in? It's not outside, obviously. Note also that you don't see anything but the jacket/top of the alleged policeman (who has his share of medals on - did it not seem more plausible to Co$ to have a regular "beat cop" on the bench?).
Photo #5: Too clean to be anywhere near Ground Zero. Note the absence of traffic beyond the two walking out the door. (This of course is the correct stance for anyone wishing to leave the nut-cult: Walk out the door, step 1.).
Photo #6 (top right): Clearly a paste job. The white edges on the VM's left are a giveaway. Also, note that the light falling on the VM's back is coming from the viewer's 10-o'clock, while the light falling on the crowd of REAL VMs is at 1-o'clock.
Photo #7: Probably a legitimate photo. And probably as close as Co$ VMs were allowed in reality to get to Ground Zero.
Photo #8: Back to the overly-clean office. Probably faked via the scene setup, as in #5.
Photo #9: Probably the most work Co$ VMs did anywhere near Ground Zero beyond staging the photographs, handing out drinks. Perhaps. Why is only one wearing a hard hat, and a red one at that? Note how overweight all of the VMs are in this one, too. A look at Travolta should tell anyone that OatTee Powerz don't keep one from becoming a walking meat loaf.
Photo #10: Back to the overly-clean office setup. Boring and as usual, repetition of a theme doesn't lend it credence.
Observations of all of the above:
* ALL the VM's are spotless, with nary the first sign of dust or sweat.
It's obvious from this that the VMs in the photos either are not actually IN the scene as pictured, or have just briefly arrived.
* Lighting of VMs as opposed to the people they're with in the photo is alas different. Perhaps they're not actually in the photo?
* At least one case of a poor paste job by evidence of the edge.
From this and the other items tossed out into the public, it would appear that there may not have been more than 20 or so VMs even within 1 mile of Ground Zero, much less helping anyone to do anything more than hand out drinks, or take photographs of scenes for the purpose of mocking them up like this page does.
Also, would it be presumptuous to wonder if the blurred faces are made so only for the purpose of hiding the faces of $cientologists posing as firemen and other USEFUL components of society? Perhaps not.
Rev. Norle Enturbulata
"Church" of Cartoonism
Comedy Saves! $cientology Enslaves!