....PARTY!!! Get out of there and have fun, fun, fun. The Bridge is officially booby-trapped so you can never go free. OT levels IV to VIII have been replaced by squirreled versions created by the SP's in the RTC to make sure you never become a free being. That is why the CofS is having so much trouble now. They can not deliver the goods any more. The "Golden Age of Squirreling" tech surprisingly does not work. Look at what they have done to OT VII. Not only has it been replaced by a squirreled version but they give you a sec check every six months at a minimum of $6000 a time to make sure your progress up the Bridge gets you nowhere. These once dymanic and succcesful people are being deliberately invalidated and are being caved in. Their Bridge and all their gains are being destroyed. And who is doing this all? Why it's the RTC, of course. :o) And why would the RTC want to stop Scientologists becoming more powerful? Well I think we all know the answer to that one unless they have rewritten a load more Technical Bulletins.
So If you want to get up the Bridge and achieve Total Freedon at least you know where NOT to get it.
Support LRH and dump the Squirrels!