No need to open Scientology's doors
A while back a letter spoke about how opening the Fort Harrison Hotel could help open minds about the wonderful organization known as Scientology.
Well, that sounds nice, the opening of minds and all. But we can't forget we are not talking about a wonderful organization worth opening our minds about. We are talking about an evil empire bent on global expansion funded with the savings of thousands of victims.
No amount of letters written by members of the cult or people ignorant of the truth about the cult can change the fact that Scientology is an evil cult. Scores of newspaper articles from around the world, TV shows and magazines all agree: It's a cult. Countries such as France and Germany, among others, wish to ban them from harming their citizens.
So let's not talk of opening minds. This does not qualify as an organization worth anyone's understanding except to be wary of them.
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, then it's a duck. Period.
-- David Rodman, Dunedin