I am posting this for another.
Well I returned to Scientology when I was 28, I met Ron in my last
life, and since the beginning I knew that what I wanted was to make
others felt what I was feeling, so I started the career of auditor,
during that time in M=E9xico it was very difficult because the materials
were not translated, and so very few people were able to pass trough
the materials, anyway, I continued auditing and receiving auditing,
pass trough the bridge up to OT V, Grad Class V.
As an auditor, during that time you discover lots of things, and the executives of the org started to attack me, the DTS, and the MAA, so I studied ethics full hat, so I could "defend" myself from these guys.
This is how I met Jorge Avila because he was working at the GO office, I reported the out ethics situation, and of course he was punished and declared, he finally arranged his situation and I continue auditing.
Then I divorced, and since my husband was OT V, at the org the CS decided I WAS OUT ETHICS, and suspended my certs for the first time, I handled that, stoped almost two years auditing, because I was confused, because the MAA was alowing my ex-husband to take away my children from me, and of course I could not call the lawyer, to help me.
Finally I resolve the situation by myself and my husband and I got back together as a family again.
I got back to study and continue studying, when I did the New Ot V=20 I realised that unless I did something about my the ethics of my group, I was not going to survive as a field auditor, I started to give the sunday service because I was a minister of the church, and they gave me in the Org. permission to give it from 2.00PM up to 4:00 because that was the time for lunch, I started with 4 people, and in three months I was having 70 people every sunday.
I was also translating tapes from Ron, which the same people that was attending said wanted to know about, until one sunday with the people there, they said that it was forbbiden for me to give such information, even when the policy of Ron was very clear, the Latam CS said that I was allowed to give ARC data only.
I signed as HAS in the and Org decided to fix completley the problem, In 6 months the staff raised from 27 up to 70, and I dared to send a KR about an homosexual executive in the sea org, and I started to be threatend, until the Latam HAS decided that since I am an asmatic person, and rons policy says that if you have acronic condition you cannot be the Has.
He the took me out of the staff, more or less during that time the Golden Age appeared, and I opossed to it because it was a violation KSW 1, the latam CS suspended my certs again even when the year before that one I won the second prize as the field auditor with more very well done hours.
After I said I did not agree with the Golden Age, I obtained a non enturbulation order, since I did not fall on my knees and ask forgiveness,=20 they ordered a Com Ev. I went to it, and taped it. The members did not give me a copy of the reports and they didnt even let me read them, the answer never arrived in 1 month, so they decided to do A new one without me, and I got my declaration in January.
One of the reasons was my religion, they called my husband and begged him to divorced from me, he didn't, so I studied about Reiki and Barbara Ann Brennan healing techniques, and most of all studied about my religion, and My husband and I work on this.
love, Patricia Huerta