[note: a "psycho-group" is generally a group which trains its members to mentally process themselves.
Also, a German "sect" corresponds to an American "cult."]
Manipulation of personality
Grafenrheinfeld, Germany
November 29, 2000
Wuerzburger Volksblatt
Grafenrheinfeld (scho) - Based on reports from former
members, film material and his own experience, Reverend
Singer points out the danger from sects and psycho-groups.
"My husband changed completely in a short time; I don't even recognize him any more since he's been going to this astrologist" - so went the desperate call of a wife to Reverend Alfred Singer, who has been the speaker of Wuerzburg Diocese for issues of sects, religion and weltanschauung for three years.
In the scope of a continuing education seminar for the junior fire fighters, Singer, based on reports from former members, his own experience and film material, pointed out the dangers inherent in totalitarian movements, psycho-groups and charismatic communities. What's conspicuous, according to Singer, is a transformation in the definition of the concept of sect: 20 years ago the word had primarily a religious connotation; it meant minorities with teachings and practices which deviated from the mother church, but now "sects" more refer to groups which violate ethical principles. To this area, according to Singer, also belong people who seek their victims as "life management assistants" in the so-called "esoteric and psycho-market."
"Today people, with no training or technical ability, can give themselves professional-sounding names like "life consultant" or personality and motivation trainer: they include "soothsayers, astrologists, clairvoyants and people who appear to have contact with the dead." As Reverend Singer pointed out, young people are by no means more at risk to this than adults. The 30-50 year age bracket who have the financial resources are susceptible. He said the "era of the classic youth cult is gone."
While a person who is content and settled own is seldom at risk, people who are disoriented or confused, who find themselves in a crisis or are looking for meaning in their lives are more susceptible to trust convincing people and become dependent upon them.
That's the way it was with the husband: until that point a loving father, he had developed an affinity bordering on serfdom: "My husband no longer takes a step without consulting his astrologist first," reported the woman. He ended up having his personality completely changed and faced the break-up of a previously happy marriage.
The Enquete Commission on "So-called Sects and Psychogroups" performed decisive research work - commissioned by the German Bundestag. According to that report, the term "sect" should be avoided as much as possible;
besides that were opinions that in general, no danger to state, society or business resulted from the "new religious and ideological communities."
Nevertheless it stated that nobody should underestimate the potential for conflict in the direct social area. It was also determined that there was an increased need for action regarding regulations in the rapidly expanding esoteric and psycho-market. Explicitly excepted to this was the Scientology Organization (SO), which the Enquete Commissioner described in their final report as an "extremist-political current" and for which it recommended continued surveillance by Constitutional Security.
It was said that the internet offered absolutely unlimited recruitment potential. Lay people can often not recognize what they are really looking at, Singer reported. An apparently harmless invitation to eat, a free seminar or a personality test is often enough to make one susceptible to manipulation.
A key event is set up to start with at which an explanation is found for any problem, and people feel comfortable and well-understood. Soon the atmosphere changes: stricter procedures with absolute discipline, personal surveillance, intimidation, then even deliberate threats. After several weeks, report experts and former members, you're not going to get out without help; many people have already been totally exploited financially and mentally.
Singer advises that attention should be paid to curious turns of phrase and that abbreviations should be researched in detail when dealing with new groups.
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