- From an email received today from Jamie Kennedy:
---- For those who didn't see it, this last Monday the
SF Chronicle did a front page feature on the cult of Scientology
and interviewed me on L. Ron Hubbard being my great grandfather
in a side article and the church's harassment and survelliance
on me because of my poetic attacks against my family legacy
and I was qouted as saying, "They can't shut me up. I've
made an entire career on not giving a f---." This statement
has of course pissed the church off again (as if I care)
and Tourettes regular MIGUEL was stopped at the Benicia
Cafe by an older mysterious man who kept interrogating
him and others at the cafe about me and the article. Going
by standard cult protocol and my great grandfather's battle
plans, chances are almost certain that the cult will send
an undercover church official or two to this Friday's Tourettes.
They've done it before and have even bought my book off me personally without me knowing. We'll play a fun game of GUESS WHO'S THE BRAINWASHED CULT SPY at the show and promptly kick the spy the fuck out on the street.