Here's the inside dope on Mace Kingsley Ranch, from an eyewitness who
wishes to remain in the shadows. Questions for this anonymous ranch
hand can be posted to this thread or emailed to me.
Little (Mace Kingsley) Ranch of Horrors
Molly & Randy Baxter and Cindy & Chuck Blakeslee were the last owners
of the MK Ranch. I *believe* they were all ex-SO [Sea Org], Molly and
Randy being ex-GO [Guardians Office] if I remember correctly. Chuck
never lived at the MK Ranch. He was a CPA in LA I remember. Cindy,
Molly and Randy all lived at the MK Ranch. Molly and Randy were OT
VIII and Cindy was on OT VII.
The trouble started in 1999/2000 when Cindy and Chuck got divorced. Cindy and Chuck were the general partners. There was a lot of argument over what would happen to Chuck's share. There were huge money problems -- back dues owed to Applied Scholastics, huge debts to IHELP, mortgage payments... They were ALWAYS late on their food bill (they used Cisco, a major food supplier that delivers to restaurants, etc.). They almost never paid the staff. They required $25,000 per week regularly in order to avoid financial hardships because so much was owed.
Molly and Cindy and Randy started fighting more and more and Molly and Randy decided that THEY wanted to be the sole owners of the Ranch and tried to get rid of Cindy. Cindy left the Ranch, deciding she didn't want to be involved with them. The problem was that Cindy was the general partner and Molly and Randy refused to buy her out, instead basically just stealing the Ranch from her, taking over ownership and then spreading false propaganda about Cindy to the staff and students. Real GO type stuff.
Cindy went to the church to fight this and try to regain the Ranch. This was a huge ordeal but the short story is eventually Molly and Randy were ordered out by the SO (after losing their Applied Scholastics and IHELP license) and Cindy took over (with Sherry Faust, the previous owner). Molly and Randy left the Ranch with all of their students and most of the staff and tried to start a "new" ranch a hundred miles away in a cabin that Molly bought. There was no electricity and they relied on propane for lights. There were 20 kids in a single cabin.
Parents were complaining and taking kids and wanting refunds (Molly still owes half a million in refunds to angry parents) and someone called Child Protective Services and the kids were taken away by the state and Molly and Randy were sunk.
Meanwhile, the old MK Ranch with Cindy and Sherry never got off the ground -- they had no kids, couldn't get any more and they fizzled away under debt. The property was for sale last I heard.
Molly and Randy were given a Comm-Ev and ordered to pay back the money owed to IHELP, Applied Scholastics and angry parents, and told they couldn't do the bridge until they paid it. Last I heard, Randy worked in Clearwater and Molly used her property in New Mexico to handle psychotic Scientologists for tens of thousands of dollars per month.
And we have our first question from a reader:
Q: Thank you, Anonymous Ranch Hand, for sharing this information with us. My question is: can you say more about the PTS Type III's they handled? Were they just held against their will like Lisa McPherson, or were they administered any I/R's?
A: The MK Ranch itself had a few Type III children -- but they were not really set up for Type III watches. There were a couple while I was there that were kept in a rusty trailer with no running water until they could be offloaded to someone else. No Introspection Rundowns were adminsitered while I was there.
There you have it, folks: the decline of Scientology continues to unfold like a pile of dirty laundry dumped on the floor. Ex-members telling their stories, and the world is listening. And the web doesn't forget.
No wonder Scientology hates the Internet.
-- Dave Touretzky: "I going to name my plant ElRon II."