Socialist Worker 1952, 21 May 2005 (
Reviews round-up
What the Bleep Do We Know?
What the Bleep Do We Know?
Directed by William Arntz
Released 20 May
This film has become one of the highest grossing documentaries in the US. It is dangerous right wing filth.
Part soap opera, part documentary, it tries to give a spurious scientific basis to spirituality. It feels like an attempt to build a cult, modelled perhaps on the Church of Scientology.
The film claims its gobbledegook has scientific backing. Dr Masaru Emoto claims to find "messages in water" produced by focusing human emotions on ice crystals. But his PhD is from the bizarre Open International University of Alternative Medicine.
"Physicist" Jeffrey Satinover wrote "Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth"-a homophobic tract. If someone strapped me into a cinema seat and tried to make me watch this again I would gladly chew through my own limbs to escape.
Joseph Choonara