Scientologists have presented twice the same suit against me since year 2000 before the instruction judge. I was supposed to have menaced them of bombing and tried to blackmail them. None of it true , obviously.
The instructor judge dismissed it the first time. Their attorney came back with the same complaint, slighlty different this time. I learned to-morrow morning that the instructor judge had dismissed that second complaint - on merits? - since July 2002.
In case Rod Keller would like to have a written newspaper or whatever, I have none. Indeed, when someone accused gets what is called a "non-lieu"
in france, he does not get any ruling. But the complaints exist both, and I've been heard in official hearing by the Gendarmerie some months ago. I had even said to the gendarmes that I was ready to complaint myself for what is called here a "libelous complaint". I have not have to!
So now, the situation of complaints is that:
No penal case lost, therefore won
That case above won twice (without having had to go before the courts)
One civil case for 300 euros damages lost, to be paid to Moxon;
One euro damage to Ethique et liberté (Freedom mag) for copyright issue (all their others demands dismissed by the Court)
One civil case from Arsac dismissed (therefore won for the main part), remains the fact that I should have declared my website sooner than I did, and I've to go before the courts for that.
One case from Laurent Quoisse won (he did not come neithre his attorney) - but he retried the same immediately. We'll see.
One case from Panda who complained for libel : that one case is won because of amnesty, but remains the civil part for december.
Another case from Ethique and Liberté / Freedom for "insults" (untrue) already won penally speaking, to be defended before courts in march 2003.
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