As a critic, it goes against the usual grain for me to point the way to a pod-people site, but if you're ever in need of a laugh: I fully recommend this site, where you, the lucky music lover, can hear L. Ron van Beethoven use untold thousands of dollars worth of studio equipment and trained musicians to create a product which sounds like it was recorded with one of those cheap 'mini-key' keyboards (cheezy pre-set 'rhythm' and all) on ping-ponged home cassette decks.
Then there's the matter of the material- let's just say one doesn't usually hear songs of this level of artistry unless one can access "New Zoo Review" outtakes.
Given the bizarre, anal-retentitave nature of LRH's working methods concerning music, it's all rather like Michelangelo working on his back at the Sistine Chapel for years and the final product turning out to be a gigantic mural of dogs playing poker.
While you're wasting your time at the "Ron the Musician" site, I highly recommend the "Ron the Poet" link; in comparison, Jimmy Stewart's poetry ("Perky Little Puppy") reads like T.S. Eliot.
Vist Ron the Music Maker & Ron the Poet- you'll be glad he didn't try his hand at needlepoint.