Here is another excerpt from RPF Newsletter #9; this one covers Brian Anderson, who you may remember served as the FLAG spokesdroid during the early days of the Lisa McPherson coverup. Tilman has webbed pictures of Brian here:
And see Brian's crazy letters to Clearwater police chief Sid Klein here:
Before he joined Scientology staff, Brian Anderson was a high school math teacher. It's no wonder he got RPFed: Scientology fried his brain! I'm sorry to hear about his medical problems, though.
-- Dave
Anderson, Brian -- from the US, he came to the RPF at PAC from OSA Flag, where he created some PR flaps in the newspapers. He has been on the RPF program since around 2002. He's in his early/mid fifties. He was sent from Flag to PAC of course to avoid further "PR flaps". Since he arrived to the RPF program with all the hard physical work, he has suffered from some severe heart problems. Even if he ever graduates he will not be able to get back to the Flag Land Base. No one with physical problems is allowed to stay at Flag because there have been too many PR flaps about all the people who have died there. Since the Lisa McPherson case the management is well aware they are being watched closely.
Brian has had several critical "heart attacks" while in the RPF that landed him in the hospital. He has had 24 hour monitors on his body to give information to the doctors about his heart. He can not do the heavy work required and is having trouble getting through the program. His twin is Sue Lerner (Thompson) from OSA Int. Sue has been in Scientology for well over 20 years. She was staff at the Washington DC Founding Church of Scientology in the 80's. In mid-2004, both Sue and Brian were sent to the RPF's RPF, and were given "a last chance" or they would both face being fitness boarded out. Brian was in fact working out his plans as to what he would be doing for a living, in case he had to leave. He has a wife at Flag who is working as an auditor. It's doubtful that he will ever get back together with her, due to his out qualifications for Flag. He has a similar situation to Matteo Galbiati; heart problems, has a wife at Flag and on the lines to get fitness boarded out of the Sea Org -- never to see his spouse again.