Let's check out the most sacred web site in the Scientology hierarchy, and see how free you'll be once you become a Scientologist. This is direct from the "Religious Technology Center" dedicated to keeping Scientology pure.
(Ref: http://www.rtc.org/matters/Ethics.htm)
"Public statements against Scientology or Scientologists but not to Committees of Evidence duly convened."
That's right. Thought you had the right to free speech? Think again. You can't criticize the Co$ or Scientology once you're a member.
"Publicly departing Scientology."
You ~thought~ you were a free individual. Nope. If you slink out the back door, maybe they'll leave you in peace.
"Anyone refusing a confessional or refusing to answer a reading question."
Think you have the right to privacy? Think again. You can be ordered to participate in a confessional, where they can and may ask you anything and write down your answer and keep it as part of your permanent record.
Some kind of religion, huh? The most powerful beings on the planet can't handle criticism.