The article below appeared in this morning's Journal de Montreal.
I couldn't find it on-line anywhere, so here is my loose summary:
Seems Scientology in Russia has been having some troubles with the government lately, so they tried to cosy up to the local Muslims in order to get an ally (a recognized religion) to stand with them against the Russian government. This is a scheme the cult has used on other occasions: they think forming an alliance with some mainstream religion will bring them some respect and make them look more like a church.
Well, the clams sent some representatives to meet with the highest Muslim authority in Russia, the Grand Mufti Talgat Tadjouddine.
The Mufti wasn't very impressed. After the meeting he had this to say about the clams:
"They came to see me to ask me to collaborate with them but I am never going to work with such filthy creatures."
"They are all cut from the same cloth, they make people into Zombies and turn them away from reality" he added before giving assurance that "God will never let totalitarian sects take root in Russia."
[Looks like another botched OSA operation. When will they ever learn?] the article in French reads better with the Terminal font.
spbill Le Grand Mufti Envoie "au diable" les Scientologistes ----------------------------------------------------- Moscou (AFP) - La plus haute authorit‚ musulmane de Russie, le mufti Talgat Tadjouddine, a affirm‚ hier qu'il avait "envoy‚ au diable les Scientologistes" au cours d'une r‚cente rencontre avec des responsables de cette glise controvers‚e, selon l'agence Interfax.
"Ils sont venus me voir pour me demander de collaborer avec eux, mais je ne vais jamais travailler avec des cr‚atures aussi infectes" a declar‚ le mufti.
Ils Rendent les Gens Zombies ---------------------------- "Ils sont tous fait de la mˆme pƒte, ils rendent les gens zombies et les d‚tournent de la r‚alite", a-t-il ajout‚ avant d'assurer que "Dieu ne laissera jamais des sectes totalitaires prendre racine" en Russie.
L'glise de Scientologie s'est officiellement implant‚e en Russie en 1993 et revendique quelque 30,000 fidŠles dans ce pays. Le Parquet russe tente sans succŠs depuis 1998 de faire interdire les activit‚s des Scientologistes qu'il juge ill‚gales.
The best way to reform CoS is to run it out.
From: Joe Cisar <>
Subject: Grand Mufti sends Scientology to Tory
Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2001 01:45:34 -0400
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.96.1010707110128.181A-100000@darkstar.zippy>
Grand Mufti of Russia Taglat Tajuddin stated in an
Interfax interview that he had "sent the Scientology
sect to the devil."
Ekaterinburg, Russian July 6, 2001, Pravoslavaya Gazeta "They came to me and offered to collaborate, but we will never do that with such rotten creatures," declared the spiritual leader of the Mussulmen. Along with that he called attention to the fact that Russia "had always been a religious country: the Mussulmen have the Koran, the Orthodox have the Bible and the Jews have the Torah and truth, for us, is derived from these books." "Therefore totalitarian sects,"
continued Taglat Tajuddin, "will never be adopted in our country, where we find God."
The Grand Mufti believes that the methods of the Scientologists are like those of the "Vaxxobiti and other religious extremists that catch stray sheep." "All of them come from the same school: they zombify people and steal them away from reality," reasoned Taglat Tajuddin.
He is delighted to hear that the Scientology sect was not able to get re-registered in Russia, and even promised "to sacrifice a lamb to celebrate."
Besides that he reckons that that was more "than just a matter of registration on paper, it would still be necessary not to give Scientology the option of developing in our country." "It goes through the motions of a religion to play pranks across Russia.
Let them idle away where they spring up, we have our spirituality and our good sense," said Taglat Tajuddin.
--- Anyone know what the English spelling is of Vaxxobit? ( a Moslem group prevalent in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in the 18th century ) Corrections welcome. Original Russian at Joe Cisar: Appreciate the finer things in life: Save a Scientologist - On-line book: