I saw the evil inside the 'church' of scientology.
This greedy, this selfish, this step on people for "your" own best. Greatest good for the dynamics meant - it's perfectly okay to have ragged people, write down your O/W:s and go on with the clearingen of the planet. I bought it, I really thought it was that simple. Two words could have made my life different, two words saying so much, two words very simple in its construction, two words consisting of eight letters - NO THANKS! I sucked into this whalestomach inwhere I stayed for a few years. Out I came finally with an upset wallet but than what! In and brainwashed could I have made much more damage to more than myself. I don't have any dissatisfied people in my social environment, no enemies, no evil eyes hunting and scaring me. I tell people the truth, I tell them I've been taken behind the light by a cult and that's why I have financial problems and people nod in mutual understanding. I have just given trust in a cult that have created problems for me in society, nothing more or less. That's it! I inform people about mindcontrol and tell them to not swallow crap as if it taste good. We can't fail to be ourself only in identities we dress ourself in, that we all have arrived to the world through our mother our father been on and that we owe a planet in common to do the best of for our common best - How evil is that? We don't need no fucking group telling us how bad we are and that we have to pay alot of money to fuckers that are disturbed in their nob.
Roger Larsson This evil I should arrive to I missed. I will make another try and maybe have better luck that time.