Tampa Tribune's Daniel Ruth : Now what about this missle shield?
From the column:
(Tampa police Chief Bennie Holder to Mayor Greco) "The way I figure it, your honor, if we can arm every patrol car on the force with tactical nuclear weapons, we would significantly reduce the threat of a possible first-strike capability from Plant City."
"I'd certainly feel a whole lot safer. Say, can I have one of those missles for the mayormobile? It might be fun to send one over Rick Baker's house."
I don't think the mayor of St. Petersburg would appreciate that sir."
"He'd probably think it was the Scientologists."
"They have nuclear weapons, Mister Mayor?"
"Well, they certainly have bombs. Have you seen John Travolta in 'Battlefield Earth'?"
end quote
From: "M. C. DiPietra" <>
Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 02:20:59 GMT
A column that has "Scientology" and "missles" in it?
Is Daniel Ruth bucking for a terrorism/interfering with a religion lawsuit?
Why not? The same words convicted Keith Henson.
M.C.DiPietra <>, SP5, KoX
"Hell, if you understood everything I say, you'd be me!" -Miles Davis