From: "alan_1751" <>
Subject: Re: Is L. Ron Hubbard dead?
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2005 10:08:24 -0600
There are tons of inaccurate and mistaken things on your sick website covering Scientology! However, you dumb FAGGOT!!!!!!! you're such a fucking
suppressive piece shit ( therefore so you're blind to the truth) you wouldn't know the difference when it's your mother's or father's asshole that you were fucking! That's what I think of scum of the earth like you demented pieces of shit assholes! Just admit it! you're useless.You didn't duplicate one word I said to you in several letters. All you know is your same blabber that you keep sending back, you demented hypnotized zombie robot, "when I find something inaccurate or mistaken on your website," pleaseeee mr.Descartes!!!!! "de omnibus dubitandum".....All is to be doubted! Is that you stable datum? I hope you know I being very sarcastic with that question. It's very obvious, that YOU can justify ANYTHING, with that false data of Descartes. You're an agnostic. You're resigned to being the complete antithesis (Mr.Descartes) of what Scientology is! It is "TRUTH" and "KNOWINGNESS." That's what it is, it's as simple as that! OH! But no, that's to easy for you doubters, right!? You have to have a mystery, so you invent "Doubt Everything." You and magicians will get along very well. They also like mystery, too keep people from knowing the truth. So in essence what you have is DOUBT! You see, if the magician wasn't able to keep the mystery and unknowingness going, then people would find out the truth, that it was just all a big trick. Just to keep beings stuck and trapped in DOUBTING (CONFUSION) instead of KNOWING, just like you and your cronies are stuck! At the point the magician can't fool anyone anymore with trickery, lies, distractions and your wonderful DOUBT, they will never be confused again with, UNKNOWINGNESS! In the sane vain, when there are no more of you howling lunitics around, spreading your vicious lies of "DOUBT," then all the decent people of earth will enjoy gaining more and more KNOWINGNESS, TRUTH and FREEDOM !!!!!!!!!
AW. From:
"Fredric L. Rice" <>
To: "alan_1751" <>
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 10:03 PM
Subject: Re: Is L. Ron Hubbard dead?
> At 04:17 1/5/05 -0600, alan_1751 wrote:>
> nbn mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmn8>>It's really very simple and couldn't be any
> simpler, "really!" You and your
>>budies never really duplicated Scientology in the first place.
> Flunk! Non confront. Start over.
> When you can find anything inaccurate or
> mistaken on any web site covering the
> Scientology crime syndicate and its frauds,
> just let me know.
> Thanks!
--- Stop Elmer Fudd web site: http://www.ElmerFudd.US/ Covert text file server: Scientology crooks: