This is one of the purposes that LRH states "Ethics" is designed for:
The purpose of "Ethics"
First, to remove all counter-intention from the environment. After all of the counter-intention has been removed the next step is to remove all of the other-intention from the environment.
So what does this mean?
Even if you are not what the adherrents would label as an individual who can be classified as counter-intention (as a noun), you are doomed if the Co$ ever is sucessful at removing each and every counter-intention from the environment. Even if you have a "live and let live" attitude, an attitude that "I'm just going to do what I am doing and the Co$ can do what they are doing", you would be classified as "other-intention".
To clarify something so as not to instill fear within you, remove does not necessarily imply, "deep sixing" somebody. Parts of remove can be classifies as bringing the counter-intention to the understanding the Ron's tech is the universal solvent, or that the counter-intention has their lives ruined to a point where they have to give up being counter-intention. Then the same steps can be applied to "other-intention".
Don't get the idea that the Co$ is going to let everything that is "counter" and "other" slide at some point. This is "jihad" we are talking about. And whether it is exercised as a frenzy or calmly carried out, it is still "jihad".
The hard core critics that picket and pass out anti-Co$ promo or post OT materials - the Co$ probably classifies these individuals as "counter-intention". Odds are they will go after them first and try their hardest to bring "ruin" to these people.
The softer core critics, some that merely post here, or still consider themselves "scientologists" but not active in the Co$, or who "apply" Scientology on their own - the people in the Co$ will consider them as part of the problem and not part of the solution despite the manner that these "non-affiliated" scientologists consider themselves.
This is LRH "Ethics"!