Church of Scientology Amsterdam
Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 116-118
1072 SH Amsterdam
Ir. xxxxxx xxxxxx
xxx xxxxxxxxx xxx
xxxx xx xxxxx
xxx xxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxx, 4th October 2003
Dear Julia [DSA Amsterdam org],
Today I visited xxxxxxx xxxxx and he showed me his SP declare. Further I found out that xxxxx and xxxxx xxxxxxxxx also received SP declares.
I even found out that you publicly have harassed me by putting my name on a statements on the public notice board in Amsterdam. The statements told that I was in treason and an enemy of the Church of Scientology Amsterdam.
I fully disagree with these harmful and suppressive acts and demand you to rectify this within 48 hours from now. Realize that these harmful acts are acts against the Dutch laws, European laws and International laws. And they are as well serious violations of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights.
--- I will not allow you to forbid me or my friends to contact my friends.
--- I will not allow you to forbid me or my friends to practice my religion.
--- I will not allow you to ridicule me or my friends in public.
Recently the judge in Switzerland ordered the church to rectify another SP declare as well.
If you do not rectify these matters by public statement to each individual Scientologists world wide before 6th October 2003; 15:00 hours then I will hold you accountable for all damages and will immediately start a legal procedure (Kort Geding) against the Church of Scientology Amsterdam as well as against RTC. and will claim 1.000.000 Euro for damages.
Actually I consider these acts as criminal offences and will inform the Dutch justice department, European parliament members, the house of way and means in the United States, the press as well as all Scientologist worldwide about these matters.
Yours Sincerely,
xxxxxx xxxxxx.
-- Dutch BodyThetan Organization :