From: (Chris Owen)
Subject: Silly Wins: Scientology turned me into a werewolf
Date: 19 Oct 1996 12:32:31 GMT
Message-ID: <54ahov$>
Number two in an increasingly desperate series!
(Remember, this is *not* a troll; it was actually printed in a Scientology magazine 18 years ago as an "OT Success Story".)
----------------------------"There was this guy called Klaus who used to come into our office once a month to pay rent. He was a tall, surly German with a blackness under his complexion. He never smiled, and could only be described as 'grisly'.
My boss hated him.
Well, this one day he walked into the office and as I stood in front of him, writing out his receipt, I suddenly got the thought, "What *is* it with this guy?" and I just gave him a total confront and suddenly there before my eyes stood a hairy, grisly, sad, and rather pathetic looking werewolf with teeth just like you see in the movies. He was in fact a good deal bigger than Klaus and towered over me. Well, Wolfy and I stared at each other for a long, hard second, and then he disappeared. I was left with Klaus gazing at me in bewilderment and in his eyes I read, "*What happened?*"
I gave him his receipt and the body walked out of the office but the thetan stayed behind for a good five minutes. In fact, the presence was so strong that my boss popped his head out of his office to see if there was anybody there because he could feel it too. I said, "Don't worry, it's only Klaus. I've just used a bit of Scientology on him."
Next month, Klaus came in to pay his rent. His complexion was clear and pink and he gave us a big hello and a broad smile. He had a few words with my boss and after he had gone my boss came to me and said, "Well, I don't know what you did to him, but he's quite a nice guy after all." "
Noelle Levin South Africa [Advance!, issue 41, p. 18]
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