In article <>, "Bremenium"
<> wrote:
>Probably something to do with the amount of alcohol that zinj is known to
>regularly consume. (Recall his drunk driving conviction.)
Hey "Bremenium",
I knew a Sea Org "Ethics Officer" at ASHO Day who was an "OT3" and a
trained "Ethics and Justice Specialist". This same Sea Org executive
got so drunk that he passed out on the sofa in the living room of a
"public" Scientologist's house one weekend afternoon. While he was
passed out, he urinated with his clothes on, causing the sofa to be
ruined. I first noticed this when I saw a wet spot "creeping" out
across the fabric of the sofa from under his body while he lie there
face down, passed out. This is not hearsay; I saw it with my own eyes
as it was happening. I had to help this "OT3" get into an automobile
so I could take him back to the Main building at Cedars, throw him in
the men's shower to clean him up.
I just felt like mentioning this because it reminded me what a crock of ******* Hubbard's "tech" is. There are NO OTs in Scientology, and there never have been any.
Warrior - Sunshine disinfects See