In article <>, (Jeff Jacobsen) wrote:
> How much mingling is there between Sea Org members and public
> Scientologitsts? What does each group think of the other? Did
> Hubbard ever write about this?
Interesting questions. How much actual contact with public depends on
what their post is. Some SO members have posts, such as registrar or
auditor, where they deal directly with the public. Others hardly ever
see public. For the SO people who do deal with public, its strictly
business and there would be little, if any, socializing. "2nd dynamic"
relationships with public are strictly forbidden. SO members don't have much time to socialize and socializing too much with a public person would be frowned upon. They are two very different groups.
I've been both. When I was first in Scientology I was not in the SO and at a mission, where I had a great deal of contact with public -- I was a "public" person myself, since I paid for my own bridge up to OT3. Generally, I had the sense that some public people kind of looked down on SO members although most would never admit to this. The mission holder where I was made a very telling statment when she said of someone, "He's not the org type", implying that org types were true believers and conformists. It was definitely clear that she looked down on SO and even org staff members. Public people earn more money and many times the people who joined the SO were the people who could not afford to pay for services, so this makes them more "downstat". SO members tend to see public as less dedicated and more like dilatantes who have not made a full commitment. There are other public people, though, who are on the fence, such as I was, and eventually joined the SO.
> It seems to me that publics mostly think about themselves, such as
> constantly auditing their own past, trying to become god-like on the
> Bridge, etc. while staff mostly think about saving the universe and
> sacrificing themselves for that cause. It seems to be quite a gap
> between the 2 groups to me.
I think so too. Most public have no idea what goes on in the SO.
Monica Pignotti