We had a good picket today, with Peaches, Murdoch, Marcab, John, and myself. Highlights: much fliering; Murdoch and I spent a few hours on Market Street near the Stress Test table; Craig and Jeff followed us to Market; Craig used very provocative bullbaiting on me and Murdoch and followed us way too closely with his video camera; a police report was made (note: no violence or anything, just the kind of fighting words language that got the police to come have a chat with Nasty Mark many months ago); DA fliers were passed out; Craig picketed my home.
We held a vigil at dusk. It was very nice. We all sang "Amazing
Grace." (Craig videotaped the whole thing.)
Photos, details, flier counts, and occasionally clever song title headings
will be posted soon.
My prayers and thoughts to Lisa, her family, her friends, and all who have
suffered by Scientology's acts.
Kristi Wachter
the activist formerly known as "Jour" (before $cientology outed me)
I think $cientology is hurting people and breaking the law, and I
want them to stop it. See http://www.scientology-lies.com for more.
Can you say "Xenu?" ... I knew that you could.