>My posts merely contain facts. Perhaps facts are disturbing to the
>anti-Scientologist. I think that is probably all that that is. In
>which case I will not worry myself about it. Perhaps you could point
>out which specific things reflect paranoia (I have none, except that
>which is justified under the circumstances, with such villains as you
>critics of the Church running around loose), venom (since that perhaps
>is a natural emotion, it would hardly be appropriate to criticize it),
>violence (I am not the least violent), mania (I am neither manic nor
>depressive whatsoever).
It's so nice to find a magnanimous, rational, in-control person like
Phil here. Just read how kind and friendly he is:
---------------------------------------------------- Definitely don't consider yourself to be general public, you are the vile members of the society who in actual fact aren't really any longer in the human race, due to your unethical conduct.
No, you may be a throwback to an earlier evil species of life, but you are not mankind. Not.
Doesn't that seem quite reasonable? It does to me. We are like gods (but without flea repellent) and you are like fleas.
The critics seem to resemble insects, insane, weak and depraved individuals, compared to the rest of the population. Just an analogy.
I never bother much with people like you, you are like fungus.
No, you are a stupid idiot.
Like all of your critic-spew is not vile and disgusting?
Scared little shit that you are, you have no justification for any of your lying about the Church, yet you continue to do so profusely.
LRH, Jr. (Ron DeWolfe?) was quite an insane nutcase and I am surprised nature even let him live, he was just a sick piece of shit.
No, he (DeWolfe) was just a suppressive piece of shit, and probably for quite some number of lifetimes.
Then you are quite insane and not interested at all in the survival of others.
"Have You Lived Before This Life?" was perfectly good for me. Why not for you? Are you dense and insane?
It is so derogatory and insensitive to refer to the man's work in this way, so bad indeed that we suspect that this author is just sick of getting buttfucked or something. Sensitive anus problems and no lubricant. What other sort of thing can we think?
----------------------------------------------- I don't know. What can we think?
Lianna Skywalker SP4 "When you show the odd flash of contextual intelligence, I forget your generation can't read." -- Dr. Hannibal Lecter