------ in 'the sims', you create a household by choosing a premade family or building your own from scratch.
macaddict households included a basic nuclear family, a steamy bachelor pad, a lesbian love hut, and a cult of scientologists.
------ there's a sidebar entitled 'our so-called sims' in which the macaddict employees describe their household creations.
the associate editor sez this about his sims:
------ sims' names: cultie, theo, and vanessa communer.
the saddest thing that has happened: the fourth member of the cult, bob, died tragically. we believe he took his own life--he wasn't happy.
the biggest problem they suffer from: they're *way* short on comfort and fun.
the coolest thing you built for them: a living room complete with zebra-striped sofa and greek columns.
on a scale of 1 to 10, how much you relate to your sims:
about 1--i like my comforts quite a bit.
------ further along in the magazine, associated with an article about microsoft's mac game subsidiary, there was another box with further details of the associate editor's little sim cult:
------ in an attempt to win adulation, at least in simulated life, i moved a four-person cult into an empty lot next to my (previously) happy family and built a commune there--a large open room at the front, two barracklike bedrooms off either side of a narrow hallway, and a bathroom at the back.
no tv's or sofas for these sims--moral rectitude alone would sustain them. cultie communer (my touchy-feely leader) frightened off most of the neighbors by attempting to give them backrubs at odd moments, while vanessa got a job as a daredevil. cultie then found a late-night job as a security guard.
my little cult quickly degenerated. moral rectitude proved not to be terribly entertaining, and my cult members suffered from profound social ineptitude. after a couple days, they became far too depressed to find work or even to cook--kitchen fires occurred almost nightly. adding to the malaise, they found the cheap rail beds very uncomfortable, and people frequently clogged the narrow hallway to the sole bathroom, resulting in full bladders and unhappy sims. after a particularly bad night, bob communer passed away, sending the entire commune into paroxysms of mourning. theo and cultie grew to detest one another on sight, further straining the group. it seems my dreams of godhood must go unfulfilled--cults work as badly for sims as for people.
------------=[ l.l.lipshitz * elkube@min.net ]=------------
oh, i'll bet you don't know what the number 8 really is.
it's a bag of money sitting on a bag of money. -lrh