I was just thinking about all the abuses of Sea Org members that occur. You don't get told about this stuff when you join, and it just creeps up on you. After a while, it seems to most to be 'normal'. But it wasn't for me, I got out.
In the Sea Org, they regularly open and copy their staff's personal mail and it goes into the "data files" where other staff can read it. This is without the staff members authorization. This is mail tampering, a federal offense.
They also monitor all incoming phone calls, don't put them through to the staff and instead send a list daily to execs and RTC of what staff members had personal calls come in. This is to control and 'external influences' on the staff members.
Staff members are not supposed to make personal calls without someone from HCO present.
Sea Org members are also not allowed to leave the building without permission. If you are seen outside, you may be interrogated by CMO.
Even at Christmas, you have to get special permission to not spend the day with the org and spend it with family instead.
Even with permission, it is considered 'individuated'. The older Sea Org members who don't want to go on a day trip if they weren't up to it are made to go anyway as they weren't allowed to 'individuate'.
On Sea Org day, the one day a year you are supposed to get the day off, you are made to go on a bus to the beach, be there for roll call, participate in group games, etc. You are not allowed to go off and do anything else at the beach or otherwise, you have to participate in everything. If you get a bad sunburn, (and since you haven't seen the sun all year, you probably will) you are assigned Treason and have to work late doing amends, etc. LRH even wrote a policy about it stating that Sea Org members who get badly sunburned are to be assigned Treason.
He also wrote a policy stating that if a staff member vomits on deck, ie doesn't make it to the bathroom in time, he has to clean it up himself. Real nice if you are really ill.