It seems that nobody -- including RTC -- has figured this yet, but some NOTs quotes have been published in a book.
More than a year ago, a book of mine was reprinted. The book is about New Age quack therapies and is titled "Het strafbare lichaam -- de orenmaffia, kwakdenken en het placebo-effect" ("The penal body -- the mind mob, quack thinking and the placebo effect"). My publisher asked me to revise the text and update it, which I did.
Amongst others, I added a epilogue in which I traced New Age ideas about health and diseases ("all diseases are created in the mind; in the end, doctors and medicine are utterly useless") back to older sources, and gave a few examples of similar trains of thoughts: one of them being Christian Science, the other being Scientology.
In the latter passage, I included quotes and summaries from the NOTs (NOT 32 and NOT34 respectvely). These quotes I in turn took from the copy of the NOTs which I perused and copied at the Stockholm Primary Court in May 1998, thanks to the fact that the Scientologist who was supposed to be guarding them was late. In other words, these quotes derive from a legitimate source. (The footnotes for the quotes dutifully point to the Stockholm NOTs.)
For your pleasure and edification, I will include the paragraphs describing Scientology's quack thinking, both in English and in Dutch.
The book has ISBN 90-6617-194-4 and can be ordered directly from <>.
FYI, RTC: The revised edition was published more than a year ago and has sold well. There is no way in which you can force the publisher to retract the sold copies. The cat is out of the bag, and it _is_ curious ;-) === English translation === Of the many cults that have fed the Mind Mob [= the term that I concocted to describe New Age 'health theorists'], one deserves special mention: Scientology, the 'church' founded by the flunked science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. Scienctology claims to be able to cure all kinds of diseases: from diseases originating from radiation and polio to addiction and cancer. (8) Adherents of the cult claim, amongst others, that they managed to cure victims of the nuclear disaster in Tschernobyl via their methods, and that they, unlike the medical profession, have beem able to restore the health of those whose nervous system has been damaged through exposure to chemicals. (9) In itself, these claims are not that remarkable. After all, most cults are wholesale dealers of highly irresponsible and untenable claims.
Hubbard claimed that people are "infested" with so-called body thetans, i.e. the remains of human beings who were transported to planet Earth millions of years ago and were murdered after their arrival. (10) The galactic dictator Xenu had devised this mass-slaughter in order to deal with overpopulation in his part of the cosmos: he moved huge parts of the population to earth, locked them up in volcanos, sedated them and then nuked them with atom bombs.
The remains of these unlucky people still fester the earth:
they roam the world in the shape of body thetans and attach themselves to people; and they are the reason why we humans are beset with psychological and physical problems.
According to Hubbard, each human being carries hundreds and thousands of these body thetans. And these body thetans -- who often co-operate and thus form tenacious 'clusters' -- need to be removed ('blown') one by one, using a process that Scientology calls 'auditing'.
In Scientlogy's higher level course materials Hubbard explains how these body thetans are responsible for illness.
In NOT34 he states that body thetans believe that they are part of the body, or believe that they are ill, and thus cause illnesses; and he gives a 'sequence' that one should apply in order to rid oneself of such confused body thetans.
(11) In NOT32 Hubbard explains why people often have difficulties finding these abberated body thetans: "If a chronic somatic doesn't resolve there are missed BTs and clusters causing it (...) Some BTs and clusters are hiding, secretive, being invisible, hidden or withdrawn," and then continues to explain how such 'hidden clusters' can be traced. (12) What is rather funny about Hubbard's theory on illness is that he uses the exact same silly ruse of diagnosis-through- proverbs that the Mind Mob later on excelled in when explaining how these sick body thetans derived at their obsessional hang-ups: "Phrases such as 'a man of my kidney', 'got no spine', 'got to have spine', 'no stomach for it', confuse BTs and clusters in those body parts and play a role in pinning them in." (13) Footnotes:
8. For a more elaborate description of Scientology's health claims, see amongst others:
- The Anderson Report, The Healing Claims of Scientology, (Australia, State of Victoria, 1965); report for the Australian government, at <>;
- Jeff Jacobsen, Medical claims within Scientology's secret teachings, 1996, at <>;
- Chris Owen, Illness Researches. L. Ron Hubbard's Guide to Ambulance Chasing, part 4, 1996, at <>.
9. In The Netherlands, Scientology claimed to be able to cure OPS, Organic Psycho Syndrome, an occupational disease that especially people working with paint suffer from, due to the amount of solvents they inhale. OPS is considered to be incurable. See Leo Siepe and Paul van der Gaag, 'Managers in de leer bij Scientology' ('Managers taught by Scientology'), FNV Magazine (magazine published by the biggest worker's union of The Netherlands), September 5, 1996, p. 4-7. Ruud Vreeman, formerly on the board of the union and currently an MP, asked questions in parliament about the matter; see <>.
10. The full story of body thetans is described in Scientology's OT III. A summary of that course can be found at <>.
11. Hubbard, HCO Bulletin of 14 November 1978, Issue II, NED for OTs Series 34, The Sequence for Handling a Physical Condition. This document, known as NOT 34, may occasionally be found on the Internet. A copy of the full NOTs can be requested from the Swedish Parliament and the Stockholm primary court for an administrative fee, and also reside at many Swedish libraries.
12. Hubbard, HCO Bulletin of 29 October 1978, Issue II, NED for OTs Series 32, Chronic Somatics, Missed BTs (NOT32), p. 1 13. Hubbard, HCO Bulletin of 29 October 1978, Issue II, NED for OTs Series 32, Chronic Somatics, Missed BTs (NOT32), p. 3.
=== Nederlands origineel === Van de vele andere sektes die de orenmaffia hebben gevoed, is er één die in dit verband speciale vermelding waard is:
Scientology, de door de gesjeesde science-fiction schrijver L. Ron Hubbard opgerichte 'kerk'. Scientology meent, bij monde van Hubbard, eveneens alle soorten ziekte te kunnen genezen: van stralingsziekten en polio tot verslaving en kanker. (8) Aanhangers van de sekte beweren onder meer dat hun methodes slachtoffers van de kernramp in Tsjernobil hebben weten te genezen, en dat zij, in tegenstelling tot medici, mensen wier zenuwstelsel is aangetast door langdurige blootstelling aan chemische middelen, weer gezond kunnen krijgen. (9) Opmerkelijk is die claim niet echt; alle sektes grossieren immers in onhoudbare aanspraken.
Hubbard beweerde dat mensen 'bezet' zijn door zogeheten body thetans, oftewel door de restanten van miljoenen jaren geleden naar de aarde gebrachte en daar vermoorde mensen.
(10) De galactische tiran Xenu had indertijd te kampen met overbevolking in zijn deel van de kosmos, en teneinde die situatie op te lossen zou hij zijn onderdanen naar de aarde hebben gebracht, alwaar hij ze opsloot in vulkanen, verdoofde en daarna met kernbommen bestookte. De restanten van deze pechvogels zwerven nog steeds op aarde rond en hechten zich in de vorm van body thetans aan, in en op mensen, en zijn er de oorzaak van dat wij met psychologische en fysieke problemen opgezadeld zijn. Elk mens draagt honderden, zo niet duizenden body thetans bij zich. Al die body thetans - die soms bovendien kunnen samenwerken en dan hardnekkige 'clusters' vormen - dienen derhalve stuk voor stuk verwijderd te worden ('blow'), in een proces dat binnen Scientology bekend staat als 'auditing'.
In het hogere cursusmateriaal legt Hubbard uit hoe body thetans ook verantwoordelijk zijn voor ziekte. In NOT34 meldt hij dat body thetans denken dat ze een lichaamsdeel zijn, of denken dat ze ziek zijn, en zo ziekte veroorzaken;
tevens geeft hij een 'sequentie' om je van zulke verwarde body thetans te ontdoen. (11) In NOT32 legt hij uit hoe het komt dat je zulke verdwaasde body thetans niet altijd meteen kunt vinden: 'Wanneer een chronische ziekte niet weg wil gaan, komt dat doordat er body thetans en clusters over het hoofd zijn gezien. (..) Sommige body thetans en clusters verstoppen zich, houden zich onzichtbaar of hebben zich in het lichaam teruggetrokken', en vervolgens legt hij uit hoe zulke verborgen clusters getraceerd moeten worden. (12) Het aardige aan Hubbards theorie is dat hij zich erin schuldig maakt aan precies dezelfde domme spreekwoordendiagnostiek als de latere orenmaffia dat zou doen, wanneer hij uitlegt hoe het komt dat deze zieke body thetans aan hun dwanggedachte zijn gekomen: 'Uitdrukkingen zoals "een man naar mijn hart", "geen ruggegraat hebben", "ruggegraat tonen" , "dat ligt me zwaar op de maag", brengen body thetans en clusters in die lichaamsdelen in de war en maken dat ze daar vast komen te zitten.' (13) Voetnoten:
8. Voor uitgebreidere informatie over Scientology's gezondsheidsclaims, zie onder meer:
- The Anderson Report, The Healing Claims of Scientology, (Australia, State of Victoria, 1965) een onderzoek uitgevoerd op last van de Australische overheid dat te vinden is op <>;
- Jeff Jacobsen, Medical claims within Scientology's secret teachings, 1996, te vinden op <>;
- Chris Owen, Illness Researches. L. Ron Hubbard's Guide to Ambulance Chasing, part 4, 1996, te vinden op <>.
9. Scientology claimde in Nederland onder meer OPS - Organic Psycho Syndrome, een bedrijfsziekte waaraan schilders nogal eens lijden vanwege het vele gebruik van oplosmiddelen in die branche, te kunnen genezen. Zie Leo Siepe en Paul van der Gaag, 'Managers in de leer bij Scientology', FNV Magazine, 5 september 1996, p. 4-7.
Ruud Vreeman stelde er in 1996 kamervragen over: zie <>.
10. Het volledige verhaal over body thetans wordt beschreven in de Scientology-cursus OTIII. Een uitgebreide samenvatting van en kritiek op OTIII is te vinden op <>.
11. Hubbard, HCO Bulletin of 14 November 1978, Issue II, NED for OTs Series 34, The Sequence for Handling a Physical Condition. Dit document, dat in de wandeling bekend staat als NOT34, is her en der op Internet te vinden. De hele serie NOTs kan tegen betaling van kopieerkosten door iedereen opgevraagd worden bij het Zweedse Parlement en de Stockholmse rechtbank, en is inmiddels in diverse bibliotheken te vinden.
12. Hubbard, HCO Bulletin of 29 October 1978, Issue II, NED for OTs Series 32, Chronic Somatics, Missed BTs (NOT32), p. 1: 'If a chronic somatic doesn't resolve there are missed BTs (= body thetans) and clusters causing it. (..)
Some BTs and clusters are hiding, secretive, being invisible, hidden or withdrawn.' Vertaling van mij.
13. Hubbard, HCO Bulletin of 29 October 1978, Issue II, NED for OTs Series 32, Chronic Somatics, Missed BTs (NOT32), p. 3: 'Phrases such as "a man of my kidney", "got no spine", "got to have spine", "no stomach for it", confuse BTs and clusters in those body parts and play a role in pinning them in.' Vertaling van mij.
=== end book quote === groet, Karin Spaink - I write, therefore I am: