I'm watching the 20/20 video re Co$, it is very interesting to watch in light of the current situation.
Now, Stacy is telling the newsperson that at 4 in the morning while she and Vaughan were sleeping, two Co$ security guards took her away, in to the "prison camp".
She says she was taken away for failure to interrogate a fellow staff member.
She goes on to state she was there for several months, and the sobbing that her husband, Vaughan, did nothing to "rescue" her.
If one can walk away at any time from the RPF . . .
why did it take two security guards to take her there . . .
why did she call it a "prison camp" on a national news information show . . .
and why did she need to be "rescued".
Of course these are all rather moot questions if to be
asked of Stacy . . .
she either was a very good actress able to pull up tears at a whim and sob well by intention on all of her interviews for legitimate news people yet lying straight to their face and lying to the cameras . . .
or she is lying now on the stand and committing perjury under oath.
You can read the written transcript here:
Very interesting read, if you can take the time.
(God only knows how much I love you, xenubat, for your
wonderful dedications to transcribing and posting very
relevant information)
ARC = As-Ising the Real CST,
From: Skip Press <skipspamless@earthlink.net>
Subject: How the RPF worked (was Stacy & RPF)
Message-ID: <skipspamless-4077A0.11590725082002@nnrp03.earthlink.net>
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2002 18:58:50 GMT
X-No-archive: yes
I was on the RPF because I supposedly had a "List One R/S" meaning I had critical thoughts or evil intentions about Elround Humbug and the Lurch of $cientology. Well, years later I co-orbited most of the Floss Purpose Really Rundown lists and none turned up, so guess the "flawless" tech was right again, huh? Hah.
At the time the RPF was the biggest (1977), the head of Qualifications for the Lurch was Paulette Ausley, married to John Ausley, whose father was the most successful lawyer in the state of Florida. Both John and Nikki Merwin (who was Mary Sue's secretary at the time) told me that everyone in the executive structure at that time knew that Paulette had a "misunderstood" on what a "List One R/S" was, and that to Paulette a broad "dirty needle" was a "List One R/S".
But gee, this didn't get corrected, wonder why?
Because Elround the Flounder needed his Cedars of Lebanon "Complex"
renovated, and go-getter executives could get it done. And what better way to keep people controlled than to keep convincing them of their unworthiness and how they needed to correct their bad intentions against "Mankind's greatest friend" while providing a free labor force?
You've probably read about the horrific conditions there before. Here's generally what happened:
(a) Since you were grooved-in to isolate yourself from the outside world and you hardly made any money and couldn't help yourself and couldn't leave because you'd get "declared suppressive" and then no $cientologist could help you or talk to you, and since you'd probably alienated your old friends and family from being in the cult, you had little choice but to go to the RPF, and most people were told "go or be declared" flat out. In my case that came from a piece of shit named Harry Kaneer, who was the "ethics officer" at CC.
(b) Once you got there, if you voiced ANY reservations about being there, you were routed to the RPF's RPF in the way down basement of the building (very, very filthy). The RPF could co-audit, you couldn't do anything but manual labor and "ethics conditions."
(c) If you finally convinced them, somehow, that you really didn't want to be there, after a very, very long time someone might come give you a "security check" and try to find all the evil, dastardly crimes you were withholding (thus making you want to leave). Of course, this was in reality an attempt to try to collect blackmail material against you.
(d) If you didn't want to work on the RPF's RPF and just refused, some times you'd get pushed around a bit physically, but not too much because bruises could mean evidence, and lawsuits, etc. couldn't it? But you would get kept in a basement room 24/7 with all the other recalcitrants who were called "the turkeys." And the only way out of THAT place was if you went nuts and threatened to sue them etc. If that happened, then you were immediately routed out of the place and out of $cientology and declared "PTS Type C" which covers anyone who threatens to sue. Which of course gave the Lurch and Elround the Flounder a convenient "out" in that they could say you couldn't be communicated to and you were a bad, evil person who wouldn't come around and see the error of your life and therefore should not be taken seriously or communicated to.
And THAT is how the RPF worked and yet another reason why I hope that red-headed mother fucker is roasting in Hell over his own private barbecue right now.
In article <3D68E695.2C80@mpinet.net>, Beverly Rice <dbj1120@mpinet.net> wrote:
>I'm watching the 20/20 video re Co$, it is very interesting
>to watch in light of the current situation.
>Now, Stacy is telling the newsperson that at 4 in the
>morning while she and Vaughan were sleeping, two Co$
>security guards took her away, in to the "prison camp".
>She says she was taken away for failure to interrogate
>a fellow staff member.
>She goes on to state she was there for several months,
>and the sobbing that her husband, Vaughan, did nothing
>to "rescue" her.
>If one can walk away at any time from the RPF . . .
>why did it take two security guards to take her there . . .
>why did she call it a "prison camp" on a national news
>information show . . .
>and why did she need to be "rescued".
>Of course these are all rather moot questions if to be
>asked of Stacy . . .
>she either was a very good actress able to pull up
>tears at a whim and sob well by intention on all of
>her interviews for legitimate news people yet lying
>straight to their face and lying to the cameras . . .
>or she is lying now on the stand and committing
>perjury under oath.
>You can read the written transcript here:
>Very interesting read, if you can take the time.
>(God only knows how much I love you, xenubat, for your
>wonderful dedications to transcribing and posting very
>relevant information)
>ARC = As-Ising the Real CST,
No one has ever written, painted, sculpted, modeled, built, or invented except literally to get out of hell.
-- Antonin Artaud
All the best,
Skip Press, the Duke of URL and The Sum of All Hollywood Fears at http://home.earthlink.net/~skippress/